Part 14

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**WARNING: There is a triggering and fucked up scene at the end of the chapter. If you cant handle it when you get to it, just skip over that bit and go to the next chapter. Other then that, I hope you enjoy!**

**Gulf's POV**

I begin to stir from my sleep to notice Mew sleeping soundly next to me causing him to look a few years younger with no troubles in the world.

I am so sorry Mew for dragging you into this mess. You just announced that we were official and if that scandal gets out then everyone will brand me a cheater and so much shame and disapproval will fall onto both of this. I can't allow that to happen to you. I don't care what happens to myself, but I can't let that happen to you. You worked so hard and I can see a very strong future for you. I can't let my love for you make me selfish.

If being with Bright is what I have to do to save you and our company, then so be it...

Gulf: I lean in to give Mew one final goodbye kiss softly on his lips. "I'm sorry Mew for not being able to keep our promise. I am going to end this once and for all. Please take care of yourself and don't try to find me. I will be okay as long as you are..."

With that, I pull myself up with tears running down my face. I am going to miss you. I hurriedly go into the closet, pack a bag and change into some jeans and a buttoned up shirt. I grab my keys off the dresser along with my wallet and phone and start to walk out the door. I stop and turn around slowly not wanting to go any further. I rethink my decision and rummage around the side drawer to find a sticky note and a pen. As I jot down a short message, I can feel my eyes begin to water again. Come on Gulf pull yourself together.

*Im going to fix everything Mew. So don't worry about me, don't look for me and please move on. I love you so much, I am sorry for everything.*

I stick that onto his phone and take one last look at the beautiful man in my bed. I can't believe I'm about to do this. Taking a deep breath, I walk out the door and rush down the stairs looking around to see if I'm going to need anything else. Nope I can just buy everything else. I rush out the front door and hop into my car. Turning my key, I turn on the engine and pull out of my driveway.

As I am driving to Bright's Apartment, I begin to think of how I should handle this situation. I just cut my lose ties so now I just need Bright to agree to my terms and delete the video.

Once I got into the parking lot of the apartment complex, that's when my nerves decided to come in. Shit... this is not the time to lose my cool. I need to take deep breaths. Getting out of the car was a challenge but each foot that I moved towards the building became easier than the last. It seemed to dawn on me that either way I am going to go along with this plan so I might as well just get it over with and deal with the consequences.

I start to walk up the stairwell and really loud music starts to become really clear. Once I got onto the floor that I was looking for, I realized that it was coming from the room that I wanted. Bright was holding a fucking party. Perfecttt timing man.

I knock on the door holding my duffle bag just standing there awkwardly.

Stranger: Opens the door and looks at me confused. "May I help you?"

Gulf: Feeling slightly more confident. "Uh yea, I was wondering if bright was here, I really need to talk to him."

Stranger: Seeming to look me up and down to size me up. "Who are you? I know every one of Bright's friends and I don't seem to know you."

Bullshit, I think to myself. I dated Bright for 3 years and I have never seen this asshole in my life. Bright also wasn't this much of an crazy jerk back then either though.

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