Part 10

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**The picture above is what Bright looks like if anyone doesnt know.**

**Gulf's POV**

I stand outside of Bright's front door while he rummages through his pockets for his keys to unlock it. Seriously though, what the fuck am I doing? I know that he just wants to cook for me like old times but I mean going into his house is something I should not be doing. Mew would kill me if he found out.

As I notice Bright still having trouble with his front door, I begin to get a little impatient.

Gulf: "You having some trouble there Bright? We can just go find a restaurant if you want. It would probably be a lot easier."

Bright: looking slightly desperate "No, no, it's okay. I think I almost got it." He jams the key into the hole and turns the knob, successfully opening the door. "Tada!" He looks back at me with pride in his eyes.


Plan 1 to leave his house was a fail. Come on Gulf, think!

Bright walks in and turns around to look at me.

Bright: "You coming?"

Gulf: *sigh* "Yea I'm coming."

I reluctantly walk in behind him and close the door. Once I see that the door is locked, I turn around to admire the furniture set up. I hate to admit it but he actually has really good taste for design. It doesn't seem like he has changed much since we broke up. As Bright walks over to the kitchen to prepare our breakfast, I walk over to the couch and notice a dark blue book sitting on the side table.

Gulf: I pick up the book to look at it and start to smile. "Hey, you still have this. I thought you would have thrown it out by now."

Bright: He sticks he head around the small wall barrier between the kitchen and living room to look at what I'm holding. "What that? You got that for me for my birthday. You know its my favorite book. Why would I throw it out?"

Feeling completely tongue tied I look down and turn around to continue looking around. I hear Bright chuckle from behind me. ASS! But I probably would have laughed too. I decide to sit on the couch and pull out my phone to text Mew.

Gulf: Trying to think of what to say until it pops into my head and I begin to smile. "Is the house on fire yet?

Mew: "Hahahaha, funny. No not yet. I am currently working on the batter for the first batch of cookies."

At the mention of cookies, I hear my stomach begin to growl. At that Bright sticks his head around the barrier again and smiles.

Bright: "Tell your stomach to relax, the cookies are almost done."

I roll my eyes and look back at my phone trying to think of a way to reply.

Gulf: "Oooo, cookies sound so damn good right now. Don't eat the raw cookie dough! I know you love it but it's bad for you."

Mew: "Yes Mom :)."

Gulf: A grin begins to form on my face. "Jerk."

Mew: "Try to come home soon,... I miss you."

Gulf: Starting to feel extremely guilty again. "I'm trying to. I miss you too. Stay safe."

I turn off my phone and place it on the coffee table. How am I going to tell Mew about this later?

Before I could think of a solution Bright walks out carrying two bowls with chop sticks. I feel my mouth start to water. I am actually really hungry. Bright sits down on the floor on the other side of the coffee table and laughs when he looks at my face.

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