Part 13

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**Mew's POV**

Towards the end of the movie, I look down at the now passed out Gulf in my lap. I chuckle to myself, he tends to do this a lot. I use my fingers to move a stray piece of hair from his currently closed eyes. He looks so peaceful. I am happy he is finally mine. I still want to give Bright a piece of my mind though. Fucking jerk.

As I lean down to give Gulf a kiss on his forehead he begins to stir awake.

Gulf: He sleepily wipes his eyes with his hands with a big yawn. "I-is the movie over Mew?"

Mew: I chuckle to myself and rub his head playfully. "Not yet but It's almost over."

He sits up from my lap and try's to stand up but fails to do so and ends up falling back onto the couch. He grumbles to himself and attempts to stand up, this time being more successful. As he begins to walk away, I reach out and loosely grab his wrist.

Mew: "Where you going?"

Gulf: He points behind him, beginning to bounce on one leg. "I need to use the bathroom, I'll be right back."

*sigh* I release his wrist and lay against the couch. As he walks away an idea pops into my head and I begin to grin. I kind of feel like taking a swim. I walk over to the bathroom door and stand outside of it waiting for Gulf to come out. As the door slowly opens, Gulf finally sees me and jumps back in surprised.

Gulf: "Mewwww, you scared me half to death. I told you id be right back."

I just give him one of my big grins and bend over really quick and throw him over my shoulder heading towards the pool.

Gulf: Lazily swinging side to side trying hard not to laugh. "Mew, where are you taking me? We have to finish the movie.."

Mew: I glance behind me at the goofy looking swaying Gulf. "It's okay, we don't need to finish the movie, you slept for most of it anyways. I feel like taking a swim."

With that I hear him make a big sigh and shake his head. I reach the pool area and walk over to one of the table and gently set him down on it. He looks at me, the pool, and then back at me.

Gulf: Still sounding a little tired. "You want me to swim in this?" He pulls on the front of his onesie for emphasize.

That's when I feel myself smile even more and shake my head, Slowly pulling down my zipper and stepping out of my onesie in all my naked glory. I head towards him and he strongly holds his zipper, shaking his head.

Mew: I stand right in front of him and roll my eyes. "Come on Gulf, why are you being so shy? The last time we went swimming we weren't together and things were really awkward. I want to swim with you."

Gulf: His hand relaxes a little bit. "Fineee, just turn around please. Being naked is still a little embarrassing to me."

Mew: I put my hands up in surrender and turn around slowly. "Fine, you win."

It's not like I haven't seen him naked before. As I am turned around I hear him undo his zipper and pulling his body out of the onesie. Once I was certain that he no longer had any material on his body, I quickly turn around and pick him up into my arms so that he is straddled around my waist with my hands holding his soft butt.

Mew: I look at his surprised and slightly blushing face. "I couldn't wait any longer, I missed you too much."

Before he could give me a reply, I lean in and give him a deep kiss. Once he finally starts to get into it and tightly wraps his arms around my neck and kisses me back, softly nibbling on my lower lip. I begin to walk down the steps into the pool. As the water gets to our waists, Gulf begins to feel lighter and I pull him even closer to me. Mmmm, he's so warm. We stay embraced in each other's arm for what seems like forever.

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