Part 16

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**Gulf's POV**

As I start to come back to the real world. The sound of a heart monitor machine makes me pay more attention to my surroundings. For some reason my eyes burn, so I haven't even tried to open them yet and my throat is dry and sore too.

Memories of the last thing I remember start to flash into my head and I feel like throwing up. I can't believe he let those guys do that to me, will every day be like that. Having me brutally gang banged until I have to be hospitalized. I really fucking hope not. I don't think I'd make it to my next birthday.

I try to shift my hips and immediately regret it. My entire ass and thighs burn so badly. I feel like someone shoved a hot branding iron up my ass. What the fuck did they do to me. As the feelings of my legs start to come back. I begin to notice that I have a hand on my leg and use everything in me not to smack the hand away. I really don't think I can take any more of Bright's psychotic twisted humor today. I might have a heart attack.

I'm glad I can't open my eyes. I don't want to look at him. I just want to curl up into a ball and sob.

I use this time to think about Mew. I wonder what he's up to, has he stopped trying to search for me yet. I really hope he just left everything alone. I don't want to cause him any more pain. I can endure this much if it means his future is safe.

I'd give anything to be held by him again though, I miss him so much.

To my utter demise, Bright starts to wake up and I feel his hand tighten around my leg and I can't help but flinch. Don't fucking touch me Bright.

Mew: "Gulf? Are you finally awake? You've been sleeping for 15 hours. The doctor said you had severe blood loss so they had to do a blood transfusion. Gulf, I am so happy that your awake."

As Bright is talking, it slowly dawns on me that it isn't Bright talking,

Its Mew...

Oh my god, Its Mew... I feel my eyes start to water and I try to pry them open to take a look at the man beside me.

Gulf: I finally get a good look at his face and begin to sob. "Mewww..."

Mew: He leans into me and covers me in a hug, trying to be gentle not to hurt me. "Shhh, Its okay take your time to process. I'll explain everything when your doing a bit better, okay?"

I sob into his shoulder for what felt like hours until my tears couldn't come anymore and my eyes were too puffy to keep them open. We stay there in silence as I absorb the fact that Mew is actually here.

Gulf: Slightly confused. "Mew, Where is Bright?"

Mew: He balls up his fist and punches the side of my bed making me jump. "That bastard is being locked up for a good amount of years. Don't worry he won't be coming after you ever again." He leans in and kisses my cheek. "Your safe."

Gulf: "Is tomorrow the last day you'll be staying here?"

Mew: with a heavy and sad sigh. "Yea I go home tomorrow... I-I don't have to though... I could move in if you want.."

Gulf: I feel my face begin to form into a smile. "I would love that... Can you move in tomorrow?"

Mew: Begins to laugh. I've missed his laugh. "I am not a magician. I have too much stuff to move in just one day."

Gulf: I smile. "That's okay, you can just pack your clothes and bedroom stuff and then get the rest later when were both free to redecorate." I move my head toward the direction of where his voice was coming from. "When did the doctor say I could get out of bed?"

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