Part 17

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**I figured I should show what Off looks like, so that's him above. Hope you guys enjoy.**

**Mew's POV**

I close the bathroom door to Gulfs room and stare at the mirror Infront of me. It's still shattered from last night when I punched it out of anger after Gulf got checked out by the doctor.

Thankfully Gulf hadn't noticed the tiny cuts on my knuckles. He was too busy being in pain...

Fuckkk I want to kill Bright, that single punch to his face was not enough. Not at all.

I need to fix that mirror before Gulf is able to get up again. I don't need him seeing how messed up over all this I actually am. Just need to stay calm to keep him calm. I'll buy a new one on my way back home from my house with some of my stuff since he wants me to move in tomorrow. I might as well start tonight because I slept while he was still passed out, so currently I am wide awake.

Opening the shower door, I climb in and turn on the water. As I stand there allowing the water to wash over me. The events of the past 24 hours play through my mind. I ball my fists at my sides and rest my head against the wall.

Gulf has been through so much and I wasn't able to do anything. If only I had gone in there by myself during the 20 minutes it took Off to get to the apartment. Gulf wouldn't have been hurt so badly... This is all my fault...

Deep breaths Mew...

I Finish cleaning myself off and walk out of the shower before I actually fully break down. I need to keep it together. Drying myself off, I throw on some clothes and slowly open the bathroom door and poke my head out to make sure that Gulf is still sound asleep. Once I knew that he wasn't waking up any time soon, I stepped back and pulled the mirror off the wall gently.

Walking out of Gulf's house with the mirror, I walk around the side and dump it into the trash can. Wiping my hands, I head for my car.

After turning on the engine and pulling out of the parking lot. I stop at a red light and real quickly text Off. *Hey man, I don't know if your busy right now but I could use your help packing up my house. I don't really want to be alone right now.* Turning off my phone, I race down the street towards my house that's been empty for almost a week. I feel kind of bad for leaving but at the same time, I want to do everything I can to be by Gulf's side.

Pulling into my driveway, I turn off the engine, get out and head inside.

Alrighty, what to pack first? Oh crap I forgot, I pull my phone back out to add something to my message to Off. *Also some boxes would be nice, a lot of boxes. I'll pay you back.* Throwing my phone onto the side table near my front door, I start to head upstairs towards my bedroom. First place I go to is my closet. I need to fold all my clothes and place them on my bed. Then I need to organize all my books into piles based on alphabetical order so it will be easier to add them to Gulfs already alphabetically organized book shelf. I have gotten to the letter S when I hear a knock at my bedroom door.

Off is standing in the middle of the door way holding a heaping pile of card board boxes. As he sets down the boxes he begins to chuckle.

Off: "It looks like your bedroom exploded Mew. What are you doing?"

Mew: *sigh* "Im trying to organize my books so I can make it easier on Gulf when he puts my stuff in his house. He asked me to move in, so im packing up what I can tonight and then move in the rest of the stuff whenever we have the free time."

Off: He nods his head, hands me a few boxes and moves towards the closet. "Does it matter what goes into a box or can I just start from one side and make my way to the other until I'm done?"

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