Part 3

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**Mews POV**

As I slowly blink and lift my head, I can see that It is still pretty dark outside. *sigh* I Run my hand through my hair and look around the room slowly. I notice my suitcase a little messy but decide to not think too much of it.

I wonder if Gulf is still sleeping. Probably be better to just leave him alone after what happened earlier. My eyes still hurt from crying so damn much. I hope I didn't screw anything up.

*Ring, Ring, Ring*

Who the hell is calling me this late at night man. As I slowly try to sit up on the couch and look over at my phone, I grown. Its my manager again. What does she want now?

Manager: "Hey Mew you wernt sleeping were you?"

Mew: "No not at all, whats up?"

Manager: "I just wanted to let you know that the company sent both scripts for season two of Tharntype to Gulfs house. It should be there now and if not, itll be there pretty soon."

Mew: I start to perk up, completely forgot that we were doing a season two. Shhh stay calm. "okay cool, I will let Gulf know next time I see him."

Manager: "Hey Mew, I want to warn you though. The sexual scenes in this season are a little more steamy and detailed then last season. Is that going to be okay? I know that you and Gulf have really good chemistry right now and I hope that the scenes wont make anything awkward between the two of you."

Mew: "Yea I think that we will be able to make it work. Don't worry too much about us. We have never let you down before. We can probably take this week to practice our lines and see how much we can deal with. If there is any problems, I will give you a call." Only she doesn't know that I am kind of dying inside right now. The company just gave me a perfect excuse for what happened last night. I will just have to tell Gulf that I got the script yesterday and that I was practicing being intimate to get back into character for season two. Genius!!!

Manager: "Okay, sounds good. Please keep me posted and if I need to make a few changes to the script no problem. Hopefully there will be no need for revisions though. I will call you later then."

Mew: "Talk to you soon, Bye."

I need to breath.

Kind of wish I could reach through my phone and give our manager a giant kiss on the cheek. She saved my ass and didn't even know it. Now I just need to not get caught.

Now feeling slightly more energetic and less panicky. I get off the side couch, fold the blanket and start to search for some swim trunks. I saw a pool in the back on the drive here so I think I am going to go take a swim. As I rummage through my suitcase, I come to realize that I can't find my boxers that I was going to wear while swimming. That's weird, I could have sworn that I had packed those. Oh well. Throwing a towel over my shoulder while wearing my swim trunks and no boxers because for some reason they vanished out of thin air, I walk out of my room and head towards the pool.

On my way to the pool, I walk past the front door and stop. Hmmm maybe the script is here already. I swing open the door to see a fairly decent sized box on the front steps. Yesss. Happily doing silent fist pumps in the air, my idea might actually work.

As I am heading back the way I was originally going, I run smack into Gulf while he's carrying what looks like a piece of cake in his hand. Grabbing his arms to steady us both from falling. Now that I see him again, all of the previous awkwardness comes rushing back. Crap.

Mew: "Hey..."

Gulf: nods his head slightly while looking down making it seem like his cake is very interesting. "Hey..."

Mew: He is adorable when he is shy. No. Get a grip Mew, I need him to know "why" I did what I did last night. "Uh Gulf, About last night."

Gulf: Gulf looks up with a small look of hope in his eyes but says nothing. Just waiting.

Mew: I rub the back of my head and then pull the box from behind my back that has the new scripts in it. Tring to hold in my smile but failing miserably. " Well a few days ago our manager informed me that she was going to send us the scripts soon for season two that she earlier mentioned to us. I thought about mentioning doing practice rehearsals with you whenever we finished the fan meeting but that ended up getting cancelled. So when I saw you passed out, it occurred to me that the first intimate scene we did was when you were asleep and I left kisses all over your body. Well... I thought it would be a good way to get into character because right before I reached your house our manager told me that she was going to send us the scripts and that she wanted us to practice the new intimate scenes in it. It just never crossed my mind that I probably should have warned you first. Im sorry..." please believe me. Please believe me. Mentally crossing my fingers.

Gulf: with a straight face. "Ah so that's why you did that. No worries. I wasn't really fazed by it anyways, just figured your hand slipped or something."

Mew: Deep breaths, must stay calm. Do not show excitement. "Okay cool."


Mew: oooo I just got an idea. "Actually, I was about to head to the pool to get some swimming done." I raise the box Infront of use so Gulf can see. "Would you want to go swimming with me and run some lines?" Say yes. Just say yes Gulf. Come on!!

Gulf: "Yea, sure. Is that okay though? Because I am currently sick."

Mew: I can't help but grin now. "Yes you will be fine, trust me. I will take care of you." I take Gulfs hand and start to lead him to the swimming pool. "Come on, let's go swim and see how ridiculous this new script is."

Gulf: "Hey Mew, im not wearing swim trunks, just these baggy sweat pants from last night. Maybe I should go and change first."

Mew: " Don't worry about it, you're wearing boxers right? That's good enough, were both guys anyways. It doesn't bother me"

Gulf: " Oh um okay, yea I guess that will be fine."

For the rest of the walk to the swimming pool, Gulf was unusually quite as I hold his hand like we usually do. Maybe this will be enough for me. I just want to be close to him. That will be enough. *sigh* "if only we weren't just friends"

Gulf: "Did you say something?'

Crap did I just say that out loud, I'm stupid.

Mew: Uh no, I was just talking to myself.

I swear one of these days I am going to punch myself, why am I dumb. That's when I realize that Gulf is staying quiet and just staring at his cake. I grab it from him and put it on the table as were passing by the kitchen and mumble. "you don't need that anymore."

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