Part 7

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**Mews POV**

I know he's hiding something from me but I don't care right now. At this moment all I want is him. I love him so much.

I chuck his pants onto the floor and crawl on top of him as I hear him say "Tonight I will be your wife." A small smile begins to form on my face.

Mew: I lean forward till my lips are grazing against Gulfs chin and whisper, "Good boy."

Planting a soft kiss against his chin, the corner of his lips, and then roughly begin to ingulf his lips against mine. God he Is so soft. As I press my body against his I realize that I had already removed his clothing beforehand. Fuckkk. *internally groaning with satisfaction*

I push my hips against his until I hear gulf gasping in anticipation. With that I grab both his hands with my right hand and hold them above his head against the pillows as I suck on his bottom lip. Moving my lips down against his neck, collar bone and against his chest. Running my tongue against his soft nipple till I feel it hardening against my lips. That's not the only thing hardening though. I feel his dick slowly becoming hard against mine.

Keep it slow Mew, I need him to enjoy this as much as possible, I tell myself. I'm going to show him who he truly belongs to. I begin to grin against his chest. Shit. Hes so fucking sexy.

For a second I release his hands and tug my shirt up over my head, folding it into a long line and reach for Gulfs Hands.

Gulf: Slightly panicked "Mew what are you doing?"

Mew: grinning happily "You are my wife right? Be a good boy and obey me. Ill release you in a little bit I promise."

Gulf: slowly feeling better. "okay, j-just be gentle."

Mew: with that I kiss his forehead and tie his hand to his bed post with my shirt. "I will never hurt you Gulf, I love you."

Before he could answer my sudden confession I kiss him deeply and pull off my pants/underwear with my free hand.

Moving back down his body I slow down once I reach his hips. God Gulf Is beautiful. As I'm Kissing the soft corner of his hip, I see his dick twitch lightly. Moving my lips over, I kiss the shaft of his dick and run my tongue up it slowly feeling it become even harder than before. Once I got to the tip of his dick I pressed my lips against it and teasingly sucked softly making him moan in surprise.

I begin to grin to myself. Hold on baby I'm about to get started.

With that, I push his dick down my throat till it begins to hit the back of my throat. Using my tongue to softly stroke it while deep throating his entire 6 inches. Pulling back slightly to grab the lube bottle, squeezing some onto my fingers. I continue my slow but steady blow job and press my fingers against his soft ass.

That earned me a tiny whimper. Fuckkk.

Slowly sliding one finger into him until I can feel him beginning to loosen up. Okay just one more finger i tell myself, earning me another moan. Once I believe that it won't hurt him as much anymore, I begin to slide my fingers in and out slowly picking up speed as he begins to loosen with each pump of my hand.

As I remove my lips from his hard wet throbbing dick, I take a moment to look at him and my heart stops. Gulf has his eyes glued shut and he's biting his lower lip with his hands griping the bed's back board. *Groaning* I am sorry Gulf, I can't take this anymore.

Gently removing my fingers from inside him, I stroke my dick with my wet hand. While jerking myself off, I pull Gulfs hips closer to me and push his legs against his hips so he's sprawled out below me. At that, I position myself close to his entrance and slowly press my dick against him. 

Fuckkk he is so tight. I don't even know if ill be able to fit.

With that I pour more lube onto my throbbing dick and push my tip into Gulf. Trying to stay still to allow him to get used to it.

Gulf: Slightly wincing. "M-mewww, it h-hurts. Ahhhh..."

I don't hear the rest of his sentence as I push the rest of myself into Gulf, and slowly move my hips. Fuck this feels amazing.

With my free hand, I slowly jerk him off while sliding in and out of him slowly with my dick. As his soft whimpering sounds escape his lips, I feel the pressure in his dick and quicken my hand until I feel his cum spilling over my fingers with his now very vocal moans and shaking. I reach forward and press my fingers into Gulfs mouth, making him clean the mess he made on my hand.

Once he was finished, I grabbed his hips and leaned myself against his legs, I roughened my thrusts as I felt him start to loosen up against my dick. Mmmmm.

Mew: "Fuck, When did you become so damn sexy."

Gulfs cheeks begin to redden as his moans try to escape his lips.

When I feel myself beginning to come to my peak, I quickly pull out and crawl over gulf until I grab the back of his head and push my dick down his throat. I see Gulfs eyes pop open with surprise. He looks up at his hands and wiggles his fingers.

Okay, okay, ill release you. As I push my dick down his throat till I see his eyes start to water, I slowly remove my shirt from around his wrists.

Gulf runs his hands along my thighs and pushes my hips towards him a little. With that I run my fingers through his hair as I can feel myself reaching my climax.

Mew: "I'm Cumming." As I feel myself release, gulf makes a tiny whimper sound and laps up my cum with his tongue around my dick. Once I believe he's swallowed every last drop, I remove my dick from his throat and collapse next to him. I shift myself against him and pull him against my chest, whispering "I love you Gulf."

Gulf: starts to smile "I love you too Mew."

Realizing that were both pretty dirty now, I sit up and pull Gulf into my lap until he's straddling me, I crawl to the end of the bed with him wrapped around me and stand up heading towards the bathroom. We need to clean up. As im walking to the bathroom with Gulf around me, I kiss his shoulders and the top of his bed.

When I reach the bathroom, I set Gulf onto the toilet and begin starting the bath. Once the water was a good warm temperature, I pick him back up and bring us both into the tub, placing him between my legs with his back facing me. I begin to rub his back with the loofa.

Mew: Kissing the side of his cheek. "Gulf, are you okay. I didn't hurt you too much right?..."

Gulf: looking embarrassed. "It hurt a bit, but I'm okay. I-it felt good..."

Mew: Chuckling to myself "I'm glad, Your such a good boy."

I rest my head against his shoulder and pull him closer to me until his back is pressed against my chest. I tighten my arms and go still. He is everything to me.

Gulf: "Mewwww.."

Mew: "just let me hold you like this, I feel like you're going to disappear any second."

Gulf: "I am not going anywhere. I am yours..."

Trying to hold my grin in, I pull back a little bit and kiss his head. Once I finished cleaning us both off, I dry Gulf off first and then myself. Grabbing his hand, he looks like an adorable sleepy baby. I guide him towards the bed and lay him down, walking over to the other side of the bed I crawl under the covers and scooch over until he's nuzzled in my arms.

Mew: I kiss his neck and whisper "Good night Gulf, Sweet dreams."

Gulf: sleepily. "Goodnight.."

When Gulfs breathing becomes rhythmed and I believe that he has fallen asleep, that is when I allow my thoughts to wonder.

What did Bright want with Gulf earlier?

Why do I feel like Gulf was lying to me when he got back?

With a heavy sigh, I closed my eyes and try to think about anything except Gulf and Bright together.

 It scares me.

 I don't want Gulf to slip through my fingers. He just became mine.

Please don't leave me...

After that thought, I drift off into an endless sleep with Gulf nestled in my arms.

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