Part 11

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**Mew's POV**

After throwing up for 10 min, I wipe my mouth and stand up from the toilet to get a look at myself in the mirror. I look like shit. I bet anyone would look like shit if they received a video of their boyfriend having a very hot make out session shirtless with their ex-boyfriend. If that's even all that they did. Fuckk... I couldn't even finish the video. My phone is still on the floor somewhere in the bedroom.

I rest my elbows on the sinks counter and look into the sink. What am I going to do? Was that a video from today? I need to find out.

I nauseously make my way over to the bed and rest on the edge. My legs going numb. Why Gulf? Why would you do this to me? Am I not enough for you? Was all of it a lie? Beginning to get angry, I shake my head and lazily look on the floor for my phone. I spot it lying next to the bed post and pick It up. Trying to keep from chucking it across the room. I need to watch this all the way through. I want to know if he sleeps with him...

Turning on my phone and scanning my thumb print I slowly click the link that bright sent me. I look at the top corner of the video before playing it and see that it is from 45 minutes ago. Fuckkk...

Reluctantly I press the play button...

As the video starts I can see Bright kicking his door open holding a half-naked Gulf to his chest with gulf biting Bright's lower lip and then moving his lips down the side of his chin and neck. In anger I pause the video with my hands shaking.

I want to rip Gulf off of Bright but I'm powerless to do anything. All of this has already happened...

Resuming the video, I see bright gently place Gulf onto the bed and pushes his butt to scooch him farther onto the bed. With that Bright pulls off Gulfs pants and underwear and stares at Gulfs now very visible erection... PAUSE

My gulfs beautiful erection, he's touching my gulf... Fuckk... I can feel my eyes start to water again. I cannot cry! I need to get through this. Just power through it man. Taking a deep breath, I continue the video with disgust.

Bright Moves his lips against Gulfs stomach and moves down to his inner hips. At that soft moans escape Gulfs lips and he covers his face with his hands. At that moment Bright deep throats Gulfs dick and Gulf squeals. Turning a soft shade of red. Gulf removes his hands from his pink cheeks and moves his hand into Bright's hair guiding him with his hands and forcefully thrusting into Bright's throat. Bright grabs Gulfs wrist and pushes it down into the covers of the bed looking up at Gulf while continuing to deep throat him. Gulf looks down at Bright and begins to blush harder with soft moans escaping his lips. After that Gulf opens his mouth a bit with his head pushed back into the pillow as Bright flinches in surprise as Gulfs cum fills his mouth. Cum drips from Bright's mouth as he leans down to slurp up the runaway cum from Gulfs slowly limping dick. Bright looks up and smiles at Gulf and calls him a good boy. Gulf nods his head and looks away from the view of the camera... PAUSE

What the actual fuck... How dare Gulf except Bright calling him good boy. That's my thing... He's my good boy. Or he was. Or he is? I don't even Know anymore... What am I supposed to do... I hadn't even realized it but silent tears had been falling down my cheeks and the feeling of wanting to throw up has come back.



I think I can except Gulf getting a blow job from Bright. IF... If it was only a blowjob, but If he slept with him, then I don't think I will be able to forgive him. I want to ask him when he gets home but at the same time I kind of just want to let it go. I love him so much... Deep breathes Mew, just finish the video...

For the last time I resume the video to see Gulf looking away in embarrassment and Bright reaching over to find the lube in his side table stand. He pulls it out of the drawer and lathers some against his fingers and slowly presses his finger into Gulf making him blush and continue to hide his face in his hands as Bright starts to pump his fingers faster.

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