Part 19

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**Mew's POV**

As I'm driving back to our house I can see Gulf passed out in the passenger seat. He is everything to me. I'm glad I get the chance to spend the rest of my life with him. We've been through so much. Once I got to the house, I turn off the car, walk over to Gulfs side of the car and carry him out of his seat. Slowly carrying him through the house and up to our bedroom.

As soon as I sat him down onto the bed he begins to stir awake. I feel kind of bad bringing him to the after party because it has been a long day. He gets so tired quickly now. 

Trying to make him more comfortable for bed so he doesn't over heat in his sleep. I start to unlace his shoes pulling them off and then begin working on the buttons of his shirt.

Gulf: "What ya doing."

Mew: Trying not to laugh at his sleepy voice. "getting you out of these clothes so that you can sleep."

He huffs a little bit and lays his head against the bed. He's so damn cute.

Once I finished unbuttoning the last button on his shirt, I slowly push it down and off, But that's when Gulf looks at me and starts to unbutton my shirt. I know that for months now he's been trying to get me to sway with being with him physically but I just can't do it. Even a year later. I'm too afraid of hurting him. Just the thought of seeing him in pain makes me feel nauseous. He means everything to me. What if he regrets it?

Mew: *Sigh* "Gulf you know how I feel about this."

Gulf: I can see the sadness on his face and start to feel guilty. "Please... I really miss you"

What am I suppose to do? I know it is slowly driving him crazy but I don't know If I can do it... I stand there like an idiot arguing with myself before it dawns on me that I can't do this to him forever, I plan to marry him and I don't want him to be upset with me. I think I can try to give him what he wants but I'm not fully sure how far I'll get.

Mew: I let out a shaky breath. "Okay... but... but please let me know if anything starts to go wrong."

Gulf: "I promise."

Once those words left his mouth he unbuttons my shirt fully and pulls it off. Leaning up to kiss my neck.

I can't believe I'm actually going to try and do this after a year of holding back. What he doesn't know is that, I actually want this too but I needed to try and withstand for as long as I could. He needed time. I needed time...

Shit, what am I doing...

With that, I let go of my restraint.

I move between his legs and hold his face in my hands stopping him from attacking my neck with his soft lips.

Mew: being very serious. "I mean it, if you can't do this let me know. No matter how far we go, I will stop."

He nods his head and smiles. God he is so precious. I move my lips down to his and kiss him deeply feeling his lips part with mine and I slowly feel his lips with my tongue. He sucks on it and wraps his arms around my neck. I lean down and grab a firm hold onto his legs and pull him up onto me so that I can pull him farther up to the bed without having to lose my hold on his soft lips. God I miss kissing him like this.

Laying him softly against all of our pillows, I kiss his neck and suck softly leaving a little hickey. Fuck I forgot how hot those look on Gulf. He digs his nails into my shoulder blades and sighs in pleasure. Mmmm, I need to stay calm.

Kissing down his neck to his collar bone and down his chest until I'm making little marks against his chest.

I stop once my lips got right next to the rims of his trousers. Shit... What am I doing.

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