Part 9

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**Mew's POV**

I think this morning Gulf is being exceptionally cute with telling me to cover up. I just want to tell him how adorable he looks with those marks all over him but I know that in the end he would just feel extremely shy so I won't say anything.

At that moment, I notice Gulf leaning in to give me a kiss and I begin to get excited. Am I getting a round two of last night?

Then the phone rings...

Damn it, someone has phenomenal timing.

I see him get up and grab his phone but as soon as he sees the screen his face changes. This starts to make me worried, Especially when he flipped his phone over, looking slightly panicked.

Mew: Starting to feel slightly confused. "Is everything okay? Who was that?"

Gulf: "It was just my mom, I forgot that I was supposed to meet her at 8 today and its currently 8:10 so she was most likely going to yell at me, I didn't want to deal with it so I flipped my phone over."

Mew: "Oh okay, if you have to go. I can just wait for you to get back. I wanted to practice some cooking skills. Warning, I will make you a guinea pig when you come home. " I lean in and kiss his nose. "Hurry up and get dressed, you don't want to keep your mother waiting."

Gulf: "O-okay, I guess Ill see you when I get home. Are you sure your going to be okay here all by yourself?"

Mew: "yes I will be fine, lets just hope I don't burn your house down when your gone." I say chuckling.

Gulf crawls over to me and sits in my lap, wrapping his legs around my waist.

Gulf: "Okie, I will try to be home as soon as possible."

Leaning forward he softly pulls on my bottom lip with his teeth and then pushes his lips against mine in a tight kiss.

It takes all of my will power to not, push him over and crawl on top of him. I just can't get enough of him.

With one last kiss, he pushes himself off my lap and heads for his closet.

While he's getting dressed, I quickly reach over to his side of the bed and pick up his phone. When I turn on the screen my heart drops.

Its Bright...

He left Gulf 4 missed calls and 7 text messages. The most current one said *Hey gulf, I'm just trying to make sure you're okay. I'm heading over there now. Be ready when I get there. No backing out.*

Why did he lie to me..?

I hear him making less noise than usual, so I quickly place his phone back onto the stand and try to sit still. At that exact moment Gulf walks out of the Closet and comes over to kiss my cheek.

Gulf: "I will be home soon, can you make me something sweet while im gone?"

Mew: I grab his hands and softly kiss each one of his fingers. I hope he can feel how much I love him. Please don't deceive me. "Of course, I will make anything for you. Stay safe. Text me." I strain a smile.

Gulf: He pulls his hand away gently " I will, I've got to go." He grabs his wallet, keys and phone before quickly walking out of the room.

Mew: A few seconds too late. "Bye, I love you."

I don't think he heard me...


What am I going to do?

I angerly punch the pillow next to me and then aggressively toss it across the room. Am I really going to just let him leave?

I should have said something...

Shaking my head, I get up and pull on my sweats. You know what, I'm not going to worry about it. I trust Gulf. He probably just didn't want to tell me because he knows how much I hate Bright because of what he did to him. Hes probably just going to diss him after hearing him out like he always does.

Gulf is mine!

With that I start to head for the kitchen when I hear really loud talking. I walk over to one of the big windows by the door and look out. Bright is standing out of the car saying something as I see Gulf replying and quickly getting into the car looking around.

I duck out of sight and try to calm my breathing. I need to stay calm.

I push myself off of the wall and walk into the kitchen. Okay he wants something sweet, but he doesn't like things too sweet. I think I'm going to make some cookies. It is simple enough.

A few hours later I'm pulling out my 3rd batch of cookies and he is still not back yet. Without being able to control myself I throw the tray of cookies and slide against the wall in sadness. I don't know when the tears had started but I don't think they're going to stop any time soon.

I need to be stronger than this. He knows right from wrong. Everything is okay.

Whipping my face and standing up, I stare at the mess I made. Crap, I need to make a new batch. Maybe I should make some normal food too, he might be hungry when he gets home.

After putting the new batch into the oven, I grab the cook book out of the pantry and shift through the recipes until I find his favorite dish. He's going to love this!

Once all of the cooking was done, I keep the oven on low to keep the food warm and head to the shower to rinse off. I feel dirty.

As im scrubbing my body, I start to think of last night which brings a smile to my face. He was so god damn sexy. With that thought, my dick starts to come alive and I sigh. I guess I should take care of this.

I slowly jerk myself off and think of how Gulf was so tight around me and the way he whimpered when I started to pound him rougher than I should have. Maybe I shouldn't have been so rough but I just couldn't help myself. I run my thumb over the tip of my dick and let out a soft moan. I wish I had Gulfs soft lips around it right now.

As I feel myself coming to a climax, I lean against the shower and let my cum run down my hand. Quickly cleaning myself off, I finish my shower and walk out.

Using a towel, I roughly towel dry my hair and walk back to the bedroom.

When I reached the bed my phone dinged.

Oh, maybe its Gulf saying he's finally coming home! I perk up a bit and throw my towel onto the bed.

Except the moment I turned on my screen, I felt like I wanted to cry. I slowly open the video and watch the first half quickly losing all feeling in my hands allowing my phone to drop to the floor without finishing what I was watching.

No. No. No.

It's not possible.

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