Part 8

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**Gulfs POV**

*Groans* I try to roll over when I realize that I have strong barricades that are keeping me from being able to leave my current spot. Slowly looking over my shoulder, I see Mew laying there peacefully.

Gulf: I push Mews arms gently. "Mew, let me go. I have to pee."

Mew: Pulls me closer and whispers into my neck "But I want to hold you."

Gulf: Trying really hard to not smack his arm. "You can hold me when I get back Mew, I really need to pee, let me go."

I hear Mew groan and then a few seconds later I feel his arms start to loosen around me. I kind of felt bad but at the same time I didn't want to embarrass myself with something as ridiculous as wetting the bed. I am a grown man.

With a small smile I pull Mews arms off me and slowly sit up. 

My ass hurts...

 Silently cursing Mew in my head. I know I agreed to last night but damn, I didn't think I would still feel it this much the next morning. How hard did he fuck me last night..?

I carefully stand up and walk to the bathroom, trying to avoid tripping into anything at all costs. After doing my business and washing my hands. I take a long look at my reflection in the mirror. Mew had left light red hickeys all over the front of my chest and hips, with small ones around my neck too.

Gulf: Slightly frustrated. "Mewwwwwww."

Mew: shouting from the other room. "What, is something wrong?

Gulf: I walk out of the bathroom and point to the marks that are all over my body. "Was this necessary, I cant go shirtless anywhere for a few days now."

Mew: with a soft sigh. "Good, I want to be the only one that gets to see your chest. You are mine after all."

Gulf: trying hard not to laugh. "Righttt, because I am the one that always has my shirt stupidly unbuttoned or zipped down too low at our fan meets." I saw sarcastically.

Mew: He raises an eyebrow. "That is not relevant, I like my shirts to be open, you know this."

With that comment, I can see that he is trying really hard not to smile. Hmmm. I walk over to his side of the bed and half jump, half fall on top of him. Giving him a quick kiss on the cheek and ingulfing him in a hug.

Gulf: I look into his eyes and give the best sad puppy dog expression I can. "I know that but you are mine too, What if I don't want anyone to see your chest but me, Hmmm..?"

Mew: Softly chuckling "Okay, how about this? I will try to stop unbuttoning my shirts at our fan meetings if you promise to not show any skin too. Swimming is an exception obviously." He holds out his pinky finger to me.

Gulf: With a stupid grin on my face, I shake my head up and down and wrap my pinky around his. "Sounds kind of unfair but deal!"

I kiss his hand and fingers, looking at just how attractive my man is. Damn its weird to say that, but he is my man and I want to keep it that way. He makes me happy and I am glad that I don't have to hide my feelings any more. I leave in to give him a kiss. 

Then the phone rings..

Fuck who is that? I just want to spend some time with my man without being interrupted. Getting out of Mew's lap, I move over to my side of the bed and look at my phone.


Its Bright...

I quickly decline the call and flip my phone over. I completely forgot about meeting him at 8 and its currently 8:10.

Mew: looking slightly confused. "Is everything okay? Who was that?"

Come on Gulf think..

Gulf: Ahah. "It was just my mom, I forgot that I was supposed to meet her at 8 today and its currently 8:10 so she was most likely going to yell at me, I didn't want to deal with it so I flipped my phone over."

Mew: "Oh okay, if you have to go. I can just wait for you to get back. I wanted to practice some cooking skills. Warning, I will make you a guinea pig when you come home. " He leans over and kisses my nose. "Hurry up and get dressed, you don't want to keep your mother waiting."

Gulf: Starting to feel guilty. "O-okay, I guess Ill see you when I get home. Are you sure your going to be okay here all by yourself?"

Mew: "yes I will be fine, lets just hope I don't burn your house down when your gone." He says chuckling.

Gulf: I crawl into his lap, wrapping my legs around his waist. "Okie, I will try to be home as soon as possible." Leaning forward I softly pull on his bottom lip with my teeth and then push my lips against his in a tight kiss.

With one last kiss, I push myself off his lap and head for my closet. I throw on some sweats and a band t-shirt. I won't give Bright the satisfaction of thinking I dressed up for him. I need to explain to him that things are truly over with us. I am with Mew now.

Before I left, I walked over to Mew and kissed his cheek.

Gulf: "I will be home soon, can you make me something sweet while im gone?"

Mew: He holds my hand softly and kisses my fingers. "Of course, I will make anything for you. Stay safe. Text me."

Gulf: Pulling my hand away gently " I will, I've got to go." I grab my wallet, keys and phone before walking out of the room.

As I excite the room I half walk, half jog down the stairs as I check my phone. Currently filled with 4 missed calls and 7 text messages. 

Damn it Bright, I am on my way. So freaking impatient. Even if I am 30 minutes late at this point.

When I walk out of my front door, I see Bright's car pull into the front drive way. He slams on the brakes and gets out of the car.

Bright: "Are you okay? I thought when you weren't picking up my calls that something bad happened to you." looking down at his watch. "Your 30 minutes late you know."

Gulf: "Yea, yea I know, its been a weird morning, just get in and lets go." I hurriedly rush to his passenger side door and get in without another word.

When he gets back in and puts his seatbelt on. He turns in his seat and looks at me.

Bright: "Are you sure you are okay, your acting kind of weird right now."

Gulf: When will he get the hint that I want him to drive. I don't want Mew to see me from one of the windows. "Yes I am fine, just really hungry. Lets go eat now."

Bright: "I know the perfect place."

As Bright drives I look out the window watching all the scenery go by. Why am I doing this again? I wish I was with Mew right now.

After some time goes by, Bright pulls into the parking lot of an apartment complex.

Gulf: Feeling slightly confused. " Hey Bright, this is not a restaurant, where are we?"

Bright: smiling brightly. "When we were together, your favorite things to eat were the things that I made you. So I thought that I could cook for you like old times."

Gulf: "I think I would prefer a restaurant, I don't want to inconvenience you."

Bright: *Sighing* "Gulf, can I please just cook for you this once. Please.."

Gulf: Slowly giving in, he knows I can't say no to him. "Okay, just this once. I am going home afterwards though."

With that I excite the car and walk towards the apartment complex.

What the fuck am I doing.

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