Part 5

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**Mews POV**


Did that really just happen?

Fuck Gulf, what did you just do? Why did he have to go and be so god damn cute. He probably saw my boner and felt bad because he caused it, so he was just trying to be polite and get rid of it. Right?

But normal friends don't do that. They just don't.

Gahhhh, I angrily rub my hands over my face and then start to get up and pull up my swim trunks. What the hell is going on in this damn house. I need to go see if he is okay.

I pick up all of our crap from around the pool and see Gulfs shoes laying by the table. Bending over to pick up the shoes and then start to head out. As I make my way to Gulfs room I start to pat myself dry. It's kind of cold in this house. Come on Mew you have to keep it together it's only the second day. Doesn't help that it's like 5 in the morning but that's not important. My sleep schedule is very nonexistent.

When I reach Gulfs room I rest my head against the door to see if I can hear anything and very faintly a soft crying sound comes from the other side of the door. Shit. Gulf please don't cry.

Without thinking I turn the door knob and walk into his bedroom to find him curled up on top of his bed looking small and fragile.

Mew: "Gulf are you okay?"

Gulf: "I understand if your mad but I would really rather be alone right now, can you just yell at me tomorrow please."

Mew: I don't want to leave though, I just want to stay and comfort him as much as I can. "Gulf I'm not mad, I have no intension of yelling at you. Can you please just talk to me. I would really like to know what's going on."

Gulf: "I really don't want to talk right now, can you please just fucking leave me alone."

Mew: "sorry I can't do that."

Gulf: *sigh* "Mew please just get ou..."

Before he can finish his sentence I rush over to him and engulf him into a big hug. As I sit down onto the bed next to him, I pick him up and place him in my lap. I kiss the top of his head and tell him.

Mew: "It's okay to cry, just please don't push me away."

I move my hands up and down his back in circular motions as I start to feel his breathing steady and his shaking seems to stop too. When I become more certain that he's not going to yell or argue anymore, I push back a little bit and look at his face. Using my right hand I use my thumb to wipe away his tears and stroke the side of his face.

With a small smile on my face, I can't stop thinking about how adorable he looks right now.

Mew: "better..?"

Gulf: He looks up at me and sniffles a little bit. "Yea I think ill be okay now. Thank you.. And I'm s-sorry about e-early, I just wanted to h-help"

I chuckle under my breath and whisper that it's okay. I don't think I can tell him that I'm actually really happy he did that but I also cant yell at him either. In my eyes he didn't do anything wrong.

Now that he's more calm I shift on the bed so that I can lay on my back and kind of ended up bring Gulf down with me. Now that he's lying on my chest I start to feel really sleepy again. Drifting into a deep sleep.


Maybe it's because Gulf fell asleep on top of me but right now I can't help but dream that I'm waking up with him in my arms. I don't want this dream to end. I hold his sides and roll us over so that I'm now laying on top of him with my legs resting in between his. I gently press my hips down against his and a soft moan like sound escapes his lips. Since this is my dream, I want to cherish every part of gulf that I can before I have to wake up to reality.

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