Part 18

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**One Year Later**

**Gulf's POV**

I feel exhausted. It has definitely been a long day. Mew and I spent the entire day at the management and then we had to do a fan meeting. That just ended about 30 min ago and I am Patiently waiting in my car for him to get back from where ever it is he disappeared too. As I'm sitting there, I begin to daydream about the past year since we've gotten together. I begin to smile as I remember the first time we went on a vacation as an actual couple. Our manager was so upset with us, We were supposed to work that week.

I start to think about the very beginning and my face turns into a scowl. The one good thing about back then is that Bright has been locked up for a long time and will be for a long time too. I finally feel like all of that is more of a distant nightmare then our past now. I'm also glad that I was able to heal completely from that accident too.

Unfortunately though, Mew refuses to touch me like that since then. Every time I try to get him started he pulls me away and starts to cuddle.

Don't get me wrong I love to cuddle but I swear to god, if he keeps this up for much longer I am going to lose my shit. With that I chuckle to myself. No, I know he means well. He doesn't want me to have PTSD and I understand that.

Maybe I should try my luck tonight though and see if he will give in, I highly doubt he will though. *sigh*

I turn my head to look out my window to see Mew walking towards the car with Off chatting away with him. Lately I don't know how I feel about their friendship. Mew and Off have been inseparable and I don't know what to think about that. Everywhere Mew goes, Off isn't very far behind and its slowly starting to piss me off. It's been like this for about a month now. I mean what could they possibly be talking about all the time.

As Mew waves goodbye to Off, he pulls open the car door, gets in and smiles at me. God he Is beautiful.

Mew: He pulls out of the driveway. "Hey Gulf, would you like to go to dinner and then drop by a team party our manager is hosting."

Gulf: Team party? I don't remember anyone saying anything about a team party. "Uh sure, when did She bring that up, I must have not been paying attention."

Mew: He chuckles. "She just stopped me on the way back to the car to ask us to join. She says it starts at 9."

Gulf: I look down at my watch to look at the time noticing that its currently 6:30. "9? Isn't that cutting it a little close on our part if you want to go eat first, I still need to change and stuff first?"

Mew: He rolls his eyes and sighs. "Gulf, We don't have to show up exactly at 9. It's a party, we can show up whenever we finish dinner, okay?"

Mew pulls into our driveway and we enter our home. I still can't get use to the fact that he's lived with me for a year. There's days I want to strangle him but other days I love him to death. I head up the stairs to our bedroom with Mew right behind me.

Gulf: "I feel kind of sweaty and gross so I am going to take a shower, then I'll get ready and we can go out to eat."

Mew: He nods his head and kisses me softly. "Take your time. I am in no rush."

I look down at my feet and blush. Without responding to him. I walk to the bathroom and close the door. Once I turned on the shower, I peeled off my clothes and walked into the shower.

I turn on the faucet and just stand there as the water washes over me. I'm not really stressed. I'm just kind of tired and really don't feel like going out to dinner. I especially don't feel like going to that damn party but he looked so happy so I'll just deal with it. I don't like seeing him sad.

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