Chapter 1

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A/N - Hi, if you're reading this, no.1 why, no.2 please bear with me this is my first ever book and no.3 I hope you enjoy I suppose. See ya

Set in Harry's 6th year (for now)

Harry POV

"Katie! Katie!"

I run down the aisle between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, determined to catch up with Katie Bell, who had just returned from St. Mungos. She turned around and grinned at me.

"Before you ask Harry, I have no idea how it happened. I don't want to talk about it."

"That's understandable, but how are you feeling?"

"I'm fine...."


I looked over my shoulder and saw Draco Malfoy standing there, staring at me like he had seen something particularly terrifying. I turned back to Katie to see if there was anything behind her, which there wasn't, and turned to see him running out of the hall.

"I'm just going to go..."

"You go, Harry. Go see if he's ok."

I blushed, and as I made for the door, Katie grabbed my wrist.

"Oh and Harry? It's really obvious."

I felt my blush deepen as I turned around and speedily walked through the double doors. I rounded a corner into an empty corridor, and pulled out the Marauder's Map.

"I solemnly swear that I am up to no good."

The ink ran across the page, and I turned the pages looking for Dra-Malfoy's name. I saw he was in a bathroom, not too far away from where I was. I put the map away, unfortunately before I saw Ginny's name in the next corridor.

I walked round the corner in rush, and bumped into someone. I looked up seeing a mob of flaming red hair.

"Hello Ginny"

"Harry, we need to talk."

"About what?"

"I need to ask you something. There are rumours going round the school that you are... you're..."

"I'm what Ginny?"


"I can confirm that these rumours aren't true."

"They're not?!"

"No. I am a proud bisexual."

And with that, I walked off. I could hear her huff as rounded the corner into the bathroom.

The sight I saw there broke my heart.

Draco was stood over a sink with shards of glass on the floor, presumably from a shattered mirror. I tried to make my presence known.


He spun around, to quickly for my liking, and fell back against the sink, gripping it tightly. I could tell he was trying to speak, but by the muffled sobs coming out of his mouth I knew he didn't want to lose his dignity.

"P-Potter? What are you doing here?"

"Draco? It's ok. I'm not going to hurt you."

"How would I know that?"

I took my wand from my back pocket, and placed it on the ground in front of me, as a sign I wasn't going to hurt anyone. He looked at me cautiously, but loosened his grip on the sink.

"Oh, Merlin Harry, I'm so sorry you had to see... any of this."

"It's ok, I came voluntarily anyway."

I regretted those words as soon as they left my mouth.

"You came... because you wanted to? Not accidentally? Because you were worried? Or scared? Or, or, o-"

I cut him off.

"I came because I care. About you."

He gave me a curious look.

"Y-you care about me? After all I've done?"

"We both have done things to each other we regret. To this day, the biggest regret of my life was rejecting you in first year.  I know all you wanted was to be my friend."

A/N - hiiiiiii :) How do you like it?? A bit of a cliffhanger there, sorry not sorry >:)  I have genuinely no clue where this is going, but can let you know of these things:

Probable Bleville
Definite Dumbledore bashing
And a heck load of fluff and denying feelings (dRaCo)

Amyway, hope you enjoyed it, updates will be incredibly irregular. See ya!

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