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Chapter Three

Chapter Three

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.

"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking.

"Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.

"Draco Malfoy."

"Well good luck with that pumpkin" she said giggling. I gave her a confused look, telling her to explain. "Those two are basically enemies. Plus Malfoy is literally the spitting image of you personality wise, but in a weird guy kind of way." she said looking out of the window.

"All for the better, I love a challenge." I told her giggling.

Before I knew it we were getting off the train. "Oh my! Is that you Miss Snape!" I heard a deep voice say from behind me.

I turned around to see Hagrid. "Hagrid!" I yelled running up to the man giving him a long hug.

Hagrid was like a second dad to me, he used to take care of me when I was just a baby and my dad was teaching. "Missed you pumpkin" he said with a smile as he led us to the carriages.

Seriously why does everyone call me that.

It wasn't long before we got off the boats and we were at the steps of Hogwarts.

I was uhm totally not freaking out....

okay fine I was, leave me alone!

"So it's er about dinner now and everyone is at the great hall eating so I will go let them know you are here and McGonagall will come and get you." Hagrid said giving me a pat on the back before running off.

"Yeah you are totally not freaking out." Emaline said laughing at my face. "Can you read my mind or something?" I almost whispered yelled raising my eyebrows.

"Oh Y/n, it's a power only some can hold" she said winking making me roll my eyes. "Yeah whatever Emaline" I said trying to distract myself from the events to come.

"Here hand me your sweater." she said as we walked inside.

"You look great" she smiled as she flattened down my skirt with a grin.

"Thanks Em!" I smiled trying to calm my nerves.

"Okay I'm gonna go find a seat with Blaise. He is friends with Malfoy so you'll probably get to meet him as soon as you sit down." she said with a smile, hugging me and wishing me good luck before she walked away.

A few minutes passed by when an older lady came walking up to me.

"Y/n Snape! Look how much you've grown!" she said engulfing me in a hug.

"McGonagall, it's good to see you!" I replied grinning.

"You too sweetheart! Well your introduction should be starting any minute. Don't be startled when everyone stares, they will be extremely surprised." she said with a wink as we turned towards the door, and just waited.

Chapter three done!!! Yayyy!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Plzzz vote and comment!🤍

Snape's Daughter • Draco Malfoy x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now