Professor Potter • Chapter 24

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Chapter Twenty-Four

Chapter Twenty-Four

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Y/n's P.O.V

"This isn't right" I sighed as Mr.Filch hammered the new rule on the wall. Umbridge was being appointed to Hogwarts High Inquisitor.


"Right that class just doesn't make sense." Draco had his arm around me playfully as we sat on the bench talking to our friends.


Draco slid away from me forcefully, I looked up to see Umbridge smiling. Seriously.


"You applied first, for Defense Against the Dark Arts, is that correct?" Umbridge asked my dad.

"Yes" he answered, tightening his fist.

I glared at the woman who was now interrogating my dad. "But you were unsuccessful?" she asked. "Obviously." he replied in his low voice.

Ron giggled making me slap the back of his head. "She is seriously getting on my nerves." I whispered to Emaline.


All Weasley Products Are Banned!

No Music Is To Be Played During Studying Hours!

Proper Dress and Decorum Is To Be Maintained At All Times!

She was adding new rules left to right and I was not having it.

I saw students running outside. I saw Draco and caught up with him. "Whats happening?" I asked. "It's Professor Trelawney." He answered. We walked out to see her with her bags next to her.

"Pity." I mumbled. Dumbledore walked out. They fought and her words made my fist clench.

"She is insane!" I complained sitting down next to Blaise. "We are breaking the rules right now." he motioned to us sitting next to each other. "I will not let her take over our lives." I shouted.

They all nodded in agreement.

"Y/n come quickly!" Hermione yelled running inside looking nervously.

I walked over to her confused. "What's up Mione?" I asked. "Follow me." I followed her and we ended up in a small shack. "I'm so confused. Someone tell me whats going on?" I asked. "Wait till the others get here." She answered calmly.

I nodded taking a seat next to Ron. "How are you?" Ron asked turning to me.

"Not good." I replied honestly. "I know Umbridge is a pain but we can get through this, especially with what we have planned." He smiled patting my shoulder.

I gave him a weird look as some kids walked in taking seats.

Hermione stood up. "Uhm hi, so you all know why we're here. We need a teacher. Proper Teacher. One who has had real experiences defending himself against the dark arts." she spoke. I turned to Harry.

I knew what they were planning now.

"Why?" a boy asked. "Why? Cause you know whos back you toss pot." Ron spat.

I put a hand on his shoulder calming him down. "So he says." the boy replied. "If Potter could tell us more about how Diggory got killed?" Another boy asked. "He's not going to talk about Cedric. So if that's why you're here clear our now." I defended him glaring at the group.

Harry turned to me mumbling a small thank you.

"Is it true you can produce a Patronus Charm?" Luna asked. I smiled. I always loved Luna. She was so sweet and pure. She didn't care what anybody thought of her and I adored that.

"Yes I've seen it" Hermione answered for the boy.

"And he killed a Basilisk with a sword in Dumbledore's office" Neville added.

I looked to Harry once again and I can tell he wasn't enjoying this. "Look it all sounds great when you say it like that but the truth is most of that was just luck and I didnt know what I was doing half of the time."

"Facing this stuff in real life is not like school. In school if you make a mistake you can just try again tomorrow. But out there when your a second away from being murdered or watching a friend die right before your eyes, you don't know what that's like."

Everyone's faces completely changed after his touching words.

"You're right Harry we don't, thats why we need your help." I told him softly .

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