Potions & Dress Robes • Chapter 7

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Chapter Seven

Chapter Seven

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Y/n's P.O.V

I stood up walking up towards the Gryffindor table. Just as Emaline predicted all eyes went to me.

I brushed it off walking over to the small group.

"Hi" I said nervously, looking at the two boys.

"Oh hi, you're Y/n right? Snape's daughter.." one of them said. "That I am" I replied with a small smile. "Sorry and you boys are?" I asked. "Fred" "George" "Weasley" they both said simultaneously.

I should have guessed it bright red hair and there were four of them.

Play it cool Y/n, you just want that pumpkin juice.

"Anything we can help you with, love?" George asked, raising an eyebrow. "Well I kinda saw that you had uh." I pointed to the drink. "Oh yeah here take it." Fred said handing me one. "No, take mine." George said, moving Fred's hand.

"Stop it boys, you're scaring the poor girl." A girl with bushy hair said hitting them.

"Here you can take mine." A voice said from the side of me. I turned to see none other than Harry Potter.

The boy that lived.

"Oh uhm thank you." I said feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. "No fair." the twins said, frowning.

"You're uhm Harry Potter, right?" I questioned not trying to sound insane.

"Yeah I am." he said a bright smile now tugging at his lips.

"It's great to finally meet you." I said softly. "I could say the same." he said nodding. "Well I better get back to my friends" I replied pointing at the group at the Slytherin table.

" You call them friends?" the girl with bushy hair said, must be Hermione.

I furrowed my brows looking at her with disappointment. "Uhm I do actually." I replied defending them turning around to walk back to my group.

"Now that I think about it, I don't really want it, thanks though." I said turning back and handing Harry back the pumpkin juice, with my best fake smile before walking away again.


"Gosh Hermione. You just ruined the friendship we could have had with Snape's daughter." Ron said, covering his face with his hands.

"That was kind of harsh Mione." Harry told the girl.

"Sorry, I was only joking." She said chucking with Ginny.


"Hey where's your pumpkin juice?" Em asked me confused. "From those jerks, no thank you." I huffed sitting down back in my spot.

"We tried to warn you." Draco said with a small smirk making me roll my eyes.

I thought we could be friends, but I guess not.

Anyone who insults my friends, insults me and I wasn't going to stick around for it.

"Come on Y/n, they're idiots. We have to get to potions." Blaise said, ushering us up. "Your dad would kill us if we were late again" Em said as we walked to the class.

And guess what happened. We were late.

Five minutes to be exact.

"You open it" Draco whisper shouted as we all stared at each other in fear. "No tell Y/n, she's his daughter" "No way in hell am I knocking!" I told them freaking out.

"Fine I'll do it, wimps" Emaline said, taking a deep breath before opening the door to reveal my dad talking to the class.

Everyone stopped turning to us.

"I see you decided to join us." My dad said glaring at us.

"It's your daughters fault." Blaise mumbled before pulling Draco's arm to go to their seat. "Is that true?" my dad asked, making me gulp. "Sorry dad" I mumbled.

"That's alright. It's your first day I didn't expect you to be early. You three on the other hand I expected better." he said turning to the other three making Malfoy cough.

"Actually Y/n can you come up here to help me with this potion?" he asked, moving to the front.

I nodded following him awkwardly.

I never saw my dad teach so this was weird.

"Y/n now tell me what do I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" he asked, raising an eyebrow.

"The Draught of Living Death, uhm sir" the word felt weird tumbling out of my mouth.

"Excellent. Go take a seat between Potter and Granger." I rolled my eyes walking over to the two.

I heard Draco snicker from the group of students.

"Favoritism." I heard Hermione tell Harry before I sat down making me glare at the girl.

"Okay class today we will be learning about something completely different from The Draught of Living Death. We will be learning about a potion called The Draught of Peace" he said looking at everyone.

I've never seen my dad look this intimidating, it was weird.

"Can anyone tell me the brewing time for this potion?" he asked.

Hermione's arm shot up quickly from next to me, I raised my hand slowly after causing her to growl in annoyance. "Granger" he said pointing at her. "80 minutes" she said smiling evilly.

He looked at her surprised and I raised my hand.

"Yes Y/n." "Uhm it actually takes 90 minutes to uh brew" I said nervously.

"Correct. It takes 90 minutes to brew. 10 points to Slytherin." he said nodding approvingly. Everyone looked at me wide eyed.

Has this girl ever got anything wrong before? I guess not. She huffed flipping her book quickly trying to prove me wrong.

Chapter Seven done!!! Yayyy!!! Hope you guys enjoyed! Plzzz vote and comment!🤍

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