Malfoy's Mission • Chapter 39

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Chapter Thirty-Nine

Chapter Thirty-Nine

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Y/n." Harry warned but I didn't listen.

Right as I got to the top I heard my dad call out, "Avada Kedavra." seconds later Dumbledore fell off the tower.

No one had noticed my appearance just yet.

I looked for Draco and immediately saw him at loss for words. I ran to the boy wrapping my arms around him. He stayed stiff for a moment, before falling into me.

"Stay strong. Stay strong." I whispered in his ear.

I was furious, sad, disappointed, angered, and I felt guilty. My dad just murdered the head master. The man who trusted him most.

"Come on prince and princess we need to go!" Bella trixed laughed pulling Draco and I away.

I tried my best not to let my emotions overwhelm me but I still felt a tear slip down my cheek.

Although I wasn't close to Dumbledore, I knew the man was always there for me when I needed him.

Was my dad killing him apart of orders too? Or did he really just switch sides?

Draco turned to me, wiping the tears that were on my face.

He intertwined our fingers and gave my hand a small squeeze. I nodded slowly as we kept walking following the group in front of us. We walked through the great hall and as we got to the end Bellatrix threw a spell making all the glass break and the candles go out.

The place that I once called my home was being torn apart.

"Draco." I whispered, hurt laced in my voice. "I know. I know." he repeated wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me closer to him.

We ended up walking towards Hagrid's hut.

"Snape he trusted you!" we heard a yell from behind us.

We all turned to see Harry running over to us. Boom! A loud sound rang causing Draco and I to turn our attention away from the boy. Hagrid's hut was now on fire.

"Hagrid." I cried quietly. The man I knew my whole life, the man who always cared for me was having his hut burned down by a death eater.

I felt a push against my shoulders throw me to the ground. I looked up to see Harry pointing his wand at me.

"You knew?!? I thought you were my friend. You're just as bad as the rest of them." Harry yelled pointing his wand at me.

Draco quickly ran over to help me up. "Don't touch her Potter" Draco snapped pointed his wand at Harry.

"Don't" I told the boy. Harry flew back as a spell hit him, I turned to see that it was Bellatrix who threw the spell.

"Don't. He belongs to the Dark Lord." My dad instructed. "Go on you two." he ushered us away.


"Do you think he would have done it? Draco?" Hermione asked Harry. "No. He was lowering his wand, in the end it was Snape." Harry answered.

"Y/n was there too?" Hermione asked. Harry nodded. "Do you think she was involved in all of that stuff?" she asked, secretly hoping her friend wasn't.

"I don't think so. By the way she reacted to everything, she was just as shocked as I was." He sighed.

"Do you think she will be coming back?" she asked. Harry shook his head no. "I said some really mean things to her before they left." he scratched the back of his head.

"I feel bad for her." Hermione sighed.

"Me too." Harry replied.

Ron sat quietly a few feet away from the two. Harry turned to him knowing why he was down. Y/n and him were close, closer than Hermione and Harry were with her combined.

"Do you think she'll be okay?" Ron finally spoke up. "Let's hope so." Hermione answered.


"I have to go back..Emaline must be-" I told my dad.

"No she will be fine. If you go back and they know what I did, they will do things to you that I can't even imagine." he said pulling me into a hug.

"Will you be okay?" I asked him.

"Yes." he answered. "Can you uhm at least give Emaline and Blaise a letter for me?" I asked handing him an envelope.

"Of course." he grabbed it before walking away. "He'll be okay Y/n." Draco said walking up to me. "I know." I let out, leaning into him.

"I'm scared." I told the boy. "Me too." he sighed pulling me closer.


"Is this really happening?" Emaline asked Blaise as they just heard the news that Snape would be taking over the school.

"I wish it wasn't." Blaise answered. Just as Emaline was about to talk again a note was slipped under the door.

She looked at the note suspiciously before walking over and grabbing it. "What does it say?" Blaise asked.

She showed him the card which in the front said

"To Emaline Daggers and Blaise Zabini"

He shrugged motioning for her to open it.

I hope you guys are liking the story! It is almost coming to an end! Thank you so much for all the support! Don't forget to leave a vote/comment!🤍

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