Battle of Hogwarts I • Chapter 52

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Chapter Fifty-Two

Chapter Fifty-Two

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Y/n's P.O.V

"You'll get it back." I told him softly. "Yeah I will." he clenched his jaw. "Don't tell me-" he cut me off. "I have an idea." he answered.


"He was spotted at Hogwarts." Draco's mom announced as she walked into Draco's room. We both snapped our attention to the woman. "What?" I stuttered.

"Um the lord wants us to take action immediately and head over there" she continued as our eyes widened. "It's time." she added softly before leaving the room.

We both gulped, I grabbed my wand as we raced out.

As we walked I felt Draco interlock his hand with mine. I squeezed it tightly, not being able to process what was about to happen.

"I'm scared." I whispered as we blended in with the group who was dressed in all black.

"I'm right next to you." Draco replied softly, reassuring me. "Remember the plan?" he asked me. "It's stupid Draco, you're going to get us killed."

"I know thats why you're not coming." he told me.

"I'm coming" I hissed.

"We need to find Blaise and Emaline right when we get there." he instructed.

I nodded eagerly wanting to see the pair again. I felt a tap on my shoulder and I turned around to see Narcissa handing her wand to me. "Give it to Draco" she mouthed before disappearing again.

I turned it around in my hand before turning to my boyfriend.

"Here" I spoke handing him the wand. "Is this my moms?" he asked confused.

"She told me to give it to you" I shrugged. He lowered it waving it slowly and accidentally sending a small rock flying. "Yea, I'm not using this I need mine back." He clenched his jaw before putting the wand in his pocket.

I looked around us to see that we finally arrived at the top of a cliff overlooking Hogwarts. My eyes scanned the crowd, hundreds of death eaters surrounded us. I was shaking.

Draco noticed squeezing my hand yet again.

I nodded towards him before looking back straight ahead. Whoosh! At the very front of the crowd a person had appeared and I already knew who it was. Voldemort.

"Begin" I heard his loud cruel voice let out.

Everyone, including Draco and I, pointed our wands up shooting light towards the sky to break the barrier that was put on the castle.

It looked like someone had just set off millions of fireworks. "We have to go!" Draco whispered loudly. While everyone was distracted he pulled me away from the group towards the castle.

By the time we got to the front entrance black smoke was filled around us.

Yelling was heard behind us as giants, wizards, and witches rushed through. "Come on!" Draco pulled my hand quickly as we snuck away, trying our best to avoid every spell and hit thrown our way.

"We need to find them like now!" I told Draco out of breath as we finally somehow managed to find our way inside the castle.

"Find who?" I heard a voice say from behind me. It was loud but compared to all the yelling that surrounded us it sounded like a pen dropping to the ground.

Nonetheless I could tell who that voice belonged to from anywhere.

"Emaline!" I cried turning around and running to the girl at full speed.

"Great way to greet eachother after a few months" Blaise laughed from behind her walking over to greet Draco. "I missed you so much" she whispered.

"I missed you more" I laughed hugging the girl tightly. It was as if during those few seconds, everything around us was forgotten. I was soon brought out of my daze when Draco tugged my shoulder.

"We have to hurry." he told me sadly. I nodded. "Did you tell Blaise?" I asked. Blaise nodded. "Tell him what?" Emaline asked confused.

"Harry has Draco's wand and we need to get it back." I told her with a sigh.

"There he is!" Blaise yelled as we saw Harry running off somewhere. "Let's go." Draco said as he ran with the rest of us following.

And with that the Battle of Hogwarts had officially began.

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thank you for the endless support! Don't forget to leave a vote and a comment ily tons! 🤍

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