"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.
"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking. "Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.
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Y/n's P.O.V
Her group looked at me weirdly as I tried not to drag too much attention to myself.
"You ok?" I just nodded slowly. "That's disgusting." Harry said making me snap my attention towards him.
"Who eats ketchup with hashbrowns." he gaged jokingly.
I laughed poking my fork and putting it in his face. "Get it away from me." he said dramatically putting Ron in front of him who just took the bite on the fork eating it.
"Ron you saved my life." Harry said shaking his shoulders, making me and Hermione laugh.
We talked for a bit, this was a little bit better than sitting with the others. But still, I missed my friends.
We all got up, noticing it was time for our first class.
Harry and Hermione went to talk in front of us, making Ron and I fall behind them. "You know Ron, I would have said yes to you for the Yule Ball if you didn't run before giving me a chance to answer." I told the boy with a small smile.
"Really?" he asked surprised. "Of course, just maybe next time don't scream." I replied giggling.
He wrapped an arm around my shoulder pulling me into him. "Guys I found my new best friend." he said proudly. "And what are we? Garbage." Harry scoffed.
"Yes of course you are, chosen one." I said laughing. We were gonna be good friends and I knew it already.
We got so caught up in our conversation not noticing we were late to potions.
"Guys I'm so sorry, literally anyone who walks to me is late." I told them apologetically. "Don't worry Y/n, I'm the chosen one for a reason." Harry winked, as we all looked at him with confusion.
He opened the door and all eyes turned to us.
I turned to him to see that all the confidence he had a few seconds ago was now gone. "Chosen one, huh?" I nudged him nervously.
"Well..are you just going to stand there all day?" my dad asked us.
We all shook our heads finding our seats quickly.
"Y/n it seems as if your making everyone late to my class." he sighed. "Sorry" I muttered. "Detention." he said looking at me. I heard a few gasps.
"Dad!" I yelled a little loud, causing him to glare at me.
"I mean sir." I choked on my words.
Ron stood up making everyone look at him. He pushed his books off his desk. "Uhm Cun-". "Fine you aswell Weasley" he shook his head moving to the front of the room.
I smiled softly at the boy giving him a silent thank you and Ron just smiled back.
"That isn't fair Professor, it wasn't her fault" Harry stood up defending me.
"Looks like you earned a detention too Mr.Potter" Harry groaned. "But sir!" Hermione started. "You too Granger!" he told the girl.
I heard a laugh come from behind us and I turned to see Draco and the goones laughing.
"You too boys. Seeming as you can't control yourselves." My dad said strictly making me laugh to myself.
"Anyone else want detention? no didn't think so. Let's continue with the lesson."
Once all my classes were over, I groaned remembering I had detention with my dad. Fun.
I walked to his class seeing Ron on his way.
I ran up to him. "Hey Ron." I smiled. "Oh hey Y/n, excited for detention?" "Oh I just can't wait." I played along with him. We got there last and sat down.
"Okay what to do with all of you? Harry and Ron clean under the desks, Crab, Goyle, and Hermione organize the book shelves, and Draco and Y/n go fix my potion closet." he told us.
He did that on purpose.
I hope you guys liked this chapter! I love writing this story so let me know what you think! Leave a comment/ vote!🤍