"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.
"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking. "Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.
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Y/n's P.O.V
I turned to see Ron engulf me in a hug.
"You'll be okay, I promise." he whispered. "We should go." Harry coughed, looking down.
The other two nodded before running off. My dad's eyes started to close. "Wait!" I heard Emaline yell.
I turned to her.
"Here give hold this!" she handed me a plant looking item from her bag. "Give me the flask that I gave you earlier Blaise, hurry." she instructed.
Blaise handed her a flask. She held out her hand and I gave her the plant.
She placed it in the flask shaking it lightly before passing it back to me. "Pour it on his wound." "What?" "Just do it!" she yelled frustrated.
I listened to her moving my dad's neck to the side and pouring the substance on it.
"What is this?" I asked the girl. "Dittany. I don't know if it'll work considering we didn't have time to brew it correctly but it's worth a try, right?" Emaline asked nervously.
I nodded quickly as the three of us stared nervously at my dad trying to find any difference in his current condition.
The three of us covered our ears as a voice began to fill our heads.
"You have fought valiantly, but in vain. Every drop of magical blood spilled is a terrible waste. I therefore command my forces to retreat. In their absence, dispose of your dead with dignity. Harry Potter, I now speak directly to you. On this night, you have allowed your friends to die for you rather than face me yourself. There is no greater dishonor. Join me in the Forbidden Forest and confront your faith." The voice finally stopped.
"This is a disaster waiting to happen." Blaise spoke. "More like it already did." Emaline sighed.
I held my fathers hand close to mind in hopes of some sort of movement.
Ten minutes have passed and nothing.
I looked down knowing there was nothing we could do. His hand had gone cold. His face pale. And his body lifeless. I felt more tears fall down my face. I was pulled into an embrace and I looked up to see Draco.
"I'm here." he whispered as he stroke my hair. I felt a twitch in my hand and I looked at my hand to see a small movement coming from my dad.
"Is he?" Emaline asked.
He coughed slowly. "Dad!" I cried out moving towards him and wrapping my arms around him. "Y/n." he said with a raspy voice.
"You're okay." I laughed as I stained his cloak with tears. "I couldn't leave you that easily, now could I?" he whispered.
I looked towards my friends and I moved my hand out grabbing Emaline's. I squeezed it, mouthing a thank you with a smile. She nodded happily as tears rolled down her face as well.
"Draco and I can stay here and watch over him. Emaline and Y/n go check in on everyone and see what's happening." Blaise told us as he pressed a soft hand against my shoulder.
"Will you two be okay?" I asked them both. "Yes, he retreated for now so we should be fine." Draco told me.
I nodded giving him a hug.
I pulled away leaning in, planting a soft kiss on his lips. Smiling, I then turned back to my dad hugging him and whispering goodbye.
"Ready?" I asked Em. "Ready." she nodded stretching her hand out for me to grab.
I held onto it as we walked out of the building running over to the Great Hall.
We entered pushing the doors trying our best not to drag too much attention to ourselves. Our faces saddened as we past by many grieving classmates and teachers.
"Is that the Weaselys?" I asked Emaline. "Yes, and it looks like-" she gasped before finishing her sentence. "Is Fred?" She nodded.
I saw the trio standing in front of him.
Harry turned around quickly walking towards the door. I grabbed his shoulder stopping him. "Harry stop."
"This is all my fault. Everyone is dying because of me." he said obviously stressed out.
"Harry you can't give yourself up to him. This is not your fault, everyone is protecting the people they love and the school they love." I tried to convince him but it was no use.
"I'm going to go see why Snape wanted me to collect these" he pulled up the small bottle that held my dad's tears.
I nodded slowly finally letting him go. He turned walking away.
"We should head back to the others, I'm sure Harry will go to the forest and that's when the real chaos will begin." Emaline told me softly moving closer to me.
I nodded agreeing with her as we turned walking back in the same direction we came.
Only this time an unpleasant feeling settled in our stomachs.
I hope you guys liked this part! Thank you again for all the support! I can't believe we hit 100k and it's all thanks to you! I love you guys so so much! Don't forget to leave a comment/vote! 🤍