He's back • Chapter 29

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Chapter Twenty-Nine

Chapter Twenty-Nine

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Oh would you look at that. If it isn't Miss Snape." Lucius smirked.

"My son just doesn't stop talking about you. Funny. Same family, different sides." I gave him a confused look not knowing what he meant.

I leaned closer to Ron and he stepped in front of me protectively.

"Don't you want to know the secret of your scar Harry?" the man asked.

"I waited 14 years, I guess I can wait a little bit longer. Now!" he yelled.

We all raised our wands shooting spells at the people in masks. They disappeared and we all began to sprint. "Luna!" I yelled as she fell in front of a man in a mask. She shot a spell making him fly back.

"Atta girl!" I turned as Neville grabbed my hand pulling me away.

"Ah" I yelled as Draco's dad popped in front of me. "Stupefy!" I yelled.

He moved back a bit as I made a run for it. We yelled as we all crashed into each other.

Ginny threw a spell and all the balls came crashing down. "Run!" Hermione yelled.

Harry opened a door as we all ran in, not noticing there was no floor. We fell and stopped right in the air before hitting the ground softly.

"The voices can you hear them." Harry asked moving towards an arch.

"No it's empty." Hermione told the boy. "I can hear them too." Luna added moving towards the boy.

"Get behind me!" he yelled we all did what he said pointing our wands up.

A black fog surrounded us.

When it disappeared I was being head by my neck by Lucious. He walked over to Harry, keeping his wand against my face. "Did you really think that you children stood a chance against us?" he asked chuckling.

He dragged his sharp wand across my cheek cutting it lightly. "Ow" I hissed. "Oh I'm sorry darling does that hurt?" he stuck it more into my cheek.

"Leave her alone." Ron and Harry growled simuataneously.

"Maybe you're right I don't think my Draco would like it very much if his princess got her pretty little face dirty." he smirked hitting the side of my face.

"I'll make this easy. Give me the prophecy now." he commanded.

"Or watch Y/n and your friends die." he shoved me in front of Harry.

"Don't do it." I whispered.

"Harry." I pleaded as he handed him the ball. Nothing happened.

"Get away from my godson." Sirius spoke from behind hitting Lucious over the head letting his grip let go of me. A white light flashed freeing everyone. "Come on." a girl called out pulling Luna and I away.


After a while we finally found Dumbledore and Harry.

He was lying on the ground and we just stared at him for what felt like forever.

Harry turned and a black fog left his body. "He's back" the minister said as the aurors appeared. "We've been trying to tell you." I muttered under my breath.

He's backkk ooooo....ngl pre-voldemort is kinda hot ngl🤧✨ anywaysss leave a comment/vote like always lol!🤍

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