Amortentia • Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty-Two

Chapter Thirty-Two

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Didn't mommy ever tell you it was rude to ease drop, Potter?" He spat.

"Petrificus Totalus" he yelled shooting his wand at an empty space, making something fall. "What the hell?" Emaline asked looking at him weirdly.

"Watch this." he muttered walking over to the space. He lifted something up revealing Harry.

"What the hell?" I gasped looking at him lying there. "Oh my god." Emaline looked at the boy in shock.

"Oh yeah, she was dead before you could wipe the drool off your chin." Draco spat raising his foot and stamping it on his face, and breaking his nose.

"That's for my father enjoy your trip back to London" he hissed throwing the cloak over him again.

"Let's go." he told us annoyed.

Blaise and Emaline followed him quickly, obviously scared.

I stayed a little bit behind making sure not to let them see me. I ran back in the train towards Harry. "I am so sorry." I whispered.

"Finite." I spoke using my wand. The cloak fell and he sat up.

"Y/n." He walked over.

"I'm sorry about Draco he is going through a rough time right now." I sighed. "Yea I heard his dad's in Azkaban." he nodded as we walked to the carriages.

"What were you doing there anyways?" I asked confused.

"Long story." he shook his head.

"Sorry I made you miss the carriages by the way
Y/n" he apologized. "Don't worry about it." I smiled. "Ah there you two are!" A professor said running towards us. We looked up and saw Draco with my dad.

"I gotta hide hold on." I ran into the trees. "Nice face, Potter." Draco told the boy smirking. Once they left I walked over back to Harry.

"Harry your nose." I cringed. I pulled out my wand again.

"Episkey." "Ah." he winced. His nose made a cracking sound but went back to normal. "Thanks" he smiled hugging me again.


I walked over to the Slytherin table nervously.

"Where were you?" Emaline asked as I sat down.

"I..uhm I decided to ride with Luna" I told them. "Weird." Blaise said before nodding and turning to Dumbledore who was about to speak.

"First off let me introduce to you the newest member of our staff. Horace Slughorn." A man stood up waving.

"Slughorn has decided to take his old position and teach potions. Meanwhile, the post Defense Against the Dark Arts will be taken by Professor Snape." Whispers spread throughout the room but I only cheered.

"That's my dad!" I yelled clapping as the whole Slytherin table chimed in. He went on talking about what was going out and I found myself staring at Draco.

He was zoned out the entire time.

"Now off to bed." he finished. Everyone stood up but Draco stayed seated.

"Draco come on." I called out to him. I seemed to snap him out of his thoughts as he stood up walking towards me.

"Are you okay?" I asked him. "Never better." he nodded grabbing my hand and intertwined our fingers as we walked back to the dormitories.

"Listen Y/n...I'm sorry I didn't write to you all summer i-"

"I know it's okay, I know everything's hard for you right now, let that be the least of your worries. Please." I leaned in pressing a light kiss to his cheek.

"I read all your letter." his signature smirk fell on his face. My face instantly went pink. "Oh...great."

"I loved the part when you put-"

"Oh look there's Blaise and Emaline, we should catch up to them" I smiled dragging him away before he could finish.


"I don't wanna take potions." I complained as I walked with Draco, Blaise, and Emaline.

"Me either." Draco replied draping an arm across my shoulder. We walked into the room. "You really went up on the perfume today Snape." Draco laughed. "I can say the same about you." I fanned my face as he let go walking over to the boys as Emaline and I went with the girls.

"Okay everyone I prepared some concoctions this morning anyone wanna see if they could tell us what they are?" Professor Slughorn asked.

Hermione's hand shot up.

"Can I have another one of you?" he asked looking around the room.

"Ah okay Miss Granger and Miss Snape please come up here." I groaned as they just laughed. "That one there is veritaserum, it's a truth telling serum" I answered.

"And that one would be Polyjuice potion" Hermione pointed.

"Perfect." He smiled at the two of us. Harry and Ron came back after fighting over a book and stood with the boys watching us.

"Okay now girls please step up to this one, do you know what this is?" he asked.

We both shook our heads no.

"What do you smell Miss Granger?" Slughorn asked her. "Uhm freshly mowed grass, new parchment, and spearmint toothpaste" she looked shocked, and I was just confused.

She looked like she already knew what it was as she shoved her hands in front of her face embarrassed.

While I was still confused. Wow I'm slow.

"And Miss Snape?" he asked. I stepped forward smelling the potion. "I smell a very oriental cologne, hair gel, and uhm green apples." I stepped away from the pot.

"Interesting. This is Amortentia girls. Can one of you explain it to me?" he asked.

My eyes widened, Draco looked at me smirking.

I rolled my eyes. No wonder I smelled green apples.

"It's rumored to smell differently to each person according to what attracts them." Hermione said nervously.

The class broke into whispers and giggles. Perfect.


"So remind me what you smelled again?" Draco smirked as he swung our hands back and forth.

"Oh be quiet. Must I remind you, that you smelled my perfume as well." I replied annoyed. "What can I say....I'm deeply attracted to you." he said dramatically making me laugh.

"You two are disgusting." Blaise laughed.

"Well I gotta go." Draco said letting go of my hand. "Where?" I asked confused. "Somewhere. I'll meet you guys later." he kissed me lightly before walking off.

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