The Dinner {2} • Chapter 42

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Chapter Forty-Two

Chapter Forty-Two

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Y/n's P.O.V

My eyes widened noticing the amount of people there and at the front of the table just like Draco said, was the dark lord himself.

I tried not to look so surprised as the table's attention turned to us.

"How lovely of you two to join us?" Bellatrix said out loud.

I saw two empty seats at the front of the table. Bloody hell, they weren't next to each other. Draco noticed my worry and gave my hand one last squeeze before we parted ways.

I found my seat right next to my dad as Draco sat across from me next to his dad.

"And who is this?" Voldmort grinned slightly turning his attention to me. I didn't know the no nosed man could even crack a smile but he proved me wrong.

"I'm-" as I was about to speak my dad cut me off. "She's my daughter." he said blankly.

"I didn't know you had a daughter Severus" he looked surprised.

"I'm Y/n" I tried my best not to stutter but fear was all that ran through my body. "Well its lovely to meet you Y/n, I was wondering who we were saving this seat for." he nodded before looking back to my dad.

At the sound of his words you would think he wasn't a bad man or creature but the things he has done proves just how bad he really is.

"You have news for us, I assume?" he asked. "It will happen Saturday next, at nightfall" he finished.

I tried to look as if I understood what he was saying, but if I was being honest I had no clue.

Another man spoke up trying to prove my dad wrong which resulted in me glaring at him.

"Those closest to him have believed we have infiltrated the ministry." he finished. "Well, they got that right, haven't they?" a man said causing the table to laugh.

"What say you, Pius?" the dark lord asked, aiming at the man at the other far end of the table.

"One hears many things my lord." I found myself drifting off and not hearing a thing they were saying.

My eyes locked onto cold grey ones. They softened as he looked at me. "You okay?" he mouthed trying not to drag attention to himself. I nodded slowly looking away as to not let anyone see that we were talking. A heard a small whine from somewhere cry out.

"Wormtail! Have I not talked to you about keeping our guests quiet?" he yelled out. This snapped me out of my daze in an instant.

I turned to Draco and saw him look up but then quickly down.

I gave him a confused look before doing the same. I took in a sharp breath as I saw the body of a woman floating above us.

I looked down quickly turning to make sure no one heard me. Thankfully, no one did.

"I must be the one to kill Harry Potter." he said to Bellatrix. In the time I was day dreaming I guess she offered to do the job, who knows? "But I face a certain complication." Voldemort stood up.

"My wand and Potter's share the same core. They are in some ways, twins." he finished.

He began to walk around to table causing me to scoot closer to my dad.

"If I am to kill him..I must do it with another's wand." he slid his hand across the top of the chairs. "Come, surely one of you would like the honor? What about you, Lucius?" he added.

The mans eyes brimmed with fear when realizing that his wand would surely be taken away. "I require your wand" he reached out his hand to Lucius.

Lucius hesitantly but passed him his wand.

He raised the wand testing it out. He brought forth the woman floating above.

"For those of you that do not know.." he met my eyes for a split second before looking back up at the woman.

"We are joined tonight by Miss Charity Burbage who, until recently, taught at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Right children?" he turned to ask Draco and I.

We nodded quickly looking down.

He went on talking about how she taught muggle studies and thought they were really not too different than us wizards and witches.

"She would..given her way, have us mate with them." he told the crowd resulting in gags.

"Severus...please." she begged. I couldn't find the strength to look up as she said my dads name. "Avada Kedavra!" he yelled pointing the wand at the lady causing her to fall limp onto the table with a loud thump.

I instantly looked to Draco to see him obviously frightened.

"Dinner." he announced to the rather large snake that now crawled up the table.

It was at this moment when I realized that the dinner wasn't for us but the horrifying creature the slid ahead.

I turned my attention away as I heard the disgusting sounds of my old teacher being eaten.

Hope you guys are like the story! Thank you for all the reads and vote! Love you all!
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