New Friends • Chapter 13

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Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Thirteen

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Y/n's P.O.V

"go find him." and with a little push he sent me off. He didn't mean Cedric, and I knew that.

I smiled running off to find the boy I really wanted to come with.

I looked everywhere but he was nowhere to be seen.

I finally went outside, shivering as the cold instantly brushed against my skin.

I saw his white blonde hair stand out as he was seated at a bench. I started walking closer to him. I stopped when I saw another figure next to him. I looked closer, Pansy.

I huffed, turning around to go back inside.

Draco's pov

She looked beautiful, Draco thought when he saw her walk down the stairs towards...wait who was that? He squinted. Cedric Diggory.

What the hell? She could have done way better than him. "Come on babe we have to go!" Pansy said pulling me inside the room where everyone was at.

I scanned the room looking for her and I couldn't see her anywhere.

Where was she?

"Attention students! Welcome the Triwizard Champions, and there beautiful dates!" McGonagall announced as all eyes faced toward the doors.

There she was. Gorgeous as ever.

Walking in with Diggory, I rolled my eyes as they made there way toward the dance floor.

She looked so happy dancing with him and I couldn't stay to watch, so I left. I went outside trying my best to figure out what I was feeling.

"Where did you go?" Pansy asked sitting down next to me. "None of your business" I shot back.

I heard someone sigh behind us and footsteps.

I turned to see Y/n walking away. I stood up quickly wanting to go after her but was pulled down by Pansy grabbing my wrist.

"Are you really going to go after her?" she asked softly. "Of course I am." and with that I ran off.

Y/n's pov

I wasn't going to cry over a boy.

No way. I don't even know him. I thought I did, but I guess not. I sat at the stairs taking off my heels from my aching feet. I buried my face in my hands not knowing what to do.

I couldn't be mad at him. It's not like he knew I wanted him to ask me.

Then again I couldn't go back to being normal friends again.

I had no idea what I was feeling. I sighed. "You okay?" I heard someone ask. I looked up to see Hermione. "The rolls reversed huh?" I asked with a small laugh.

"I guess they did." she said taking a seat next to me and taking off her heels.

"So what's wrong?" she repeated. I looked around to see friends laughing, and couples well being couples. "Can we-" "Let's go to my dorm" she said lifting me up as we walked to the Griffyindor common room.


This was definitely different from the Slytherin common room. She lead me to a room that was empty and had around three beds which were all empty.

"Ready to talk?" she asked softly. "I don't know what's wrong with me." I told her ruffling my hair.

"Nothings wrong with you, is this about Draco?" "How did you-" "It's obvious ever since you got here you haven't been able to keep your eyes off of him" she smiled.

I nodded, blushing.

"I just wish he was my date to the ball." I sighed. "I know the feeling." she frowned.

"Take your own advice Y/n. I've seen the way he looks at you. It's just boys are slow." she rubbed my back. I nodded. "It's getting late, you should sleep here I'll lend you some clothes" she told me as she walked over to her closet tossing me a pair of pjs.

I put them on as she moved over on the bed leaving space for me.

"Thank you for everything." I mumbled. "Anytime."

I woke up to the sound of someone walking around the room. It was Hermione.

"Come on Y/n, were gonna be late for breakfast. I'll walk you to your dorm so you can change." We ran to the Slytherin common room not wanting to be seen in pjs.

She waited outside as I changed into my uniform. I got out and she nodded as we chit chatted while walking to the great hall.

I'm guessing Em was already in there considering she wasn't in the room.

We walked in and all eyes went to us.

They shared weird looks, not used to seeing a Slytherin with a Griffyindor. "Y/n you're welcome at our table if things get tense." she said putting a hand on my shoulder before walking to her friends.

I took a deep breath before walking towards my table.

I saw the group sitting down so I just moved next to Emaline and ate quietly.

As soon as I sat down I felt the tension rise thick enough to cut with a knife. "You guys can talk you know?" I told them playing with my food.

"Oh sorry. We didn't want to bother you, maybe you can disappear again like you did last night." Emaline snapped at me.

Blaise looked at her wide eyed.

"Maybe your right Emaline, I should." I spat at the girl before getting my stuff and walking to the Gryiffindor table.

Hermione gave me a look of sympathy as I sat down next to her.

Her group looked at me weirdly as I tried not to drag too much attention to myself.

"You ok?" I just nodded slowly. "That's disgusting." Harry said making me snap my attention towards him.

It's not what you think I promise! I hope you guys enjoyed! Leave a comment or vote!🤍

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