"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.
"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking. "Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.
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Y/n's P.O.V
"If my parents ever find out, chances are both of us will be put down their with them." he states.
"I'm taking that chance, but it's fine if you don't want to." I tell him in a softer tone.
I begin to walk away but I feel my hand being pulled back. "Your crazy." he sighs. I smile knowing at what he's getting at.
"Of course I'm going to help you" he finishes, making me squeal quietly.
We tiptoed to the dining room and tried to find out where the sound was coming from.
"Do you know where they are?" I asked him. "No clue." he shrugged. "I'm back" I heard Bellatrix yell out with sing-song voice.
I quickly grabbed Draco's hand pulling him with me to hide by some stairs behind a wall.
We crouched down looking up to see the three adults talking.
"Where are the kids? I brought them back some gifts." Bellatrix giggled pulling up a bag. "Draco took Y/n outside." Narcissa replied crossing her arms. "That's odd, I just came inside and they weren't there." She pouted.
Draco's eyes grew wide. "Oh really?" Lucius raised an eyebrow before heading out.
"Lucius I'm sure they're fine!" Narcissa followed after him along with Bellatrix. "This is our chance!" I whispered to him.
I was about to pull him back up but heard whispers coming from behind us.
We turned and saw a door at the bottom of the stairs. "The basement." Draco said quietly.
We walked down slowly, standing in front of the wooden door. I pressed my ear against it and heard a girl and a man's voice.
"Draco! Y/n!" I heard the adults coming back inside.
I panicked and opened the door pulling Draco and I inside the room.
"Merlin Y/n" Draco sighed, nervously. I looked around the dark room, the only thing giving us light was a small lantern.
"Hello?" I called out. "Y/n" I heard a voice but saw no one. "Wait...Luna?" I called out. "Y/n" I heard again but it sounded like a small cry.
"Luna" I ran toward the sound and turned behind another wall to see Olivander and Luna chained.
"I am so sorry. I am so sorry. I am so sorry." I kept repeating as I tried my best to unchain Luna and Olivander from the wall. "Are you guys okay?" I asked pulling Luna into a hug.
"We're fine Y/n don't worry." Luna whispered.
"He's coming." she whispered in my ear. "Who?" I asked confused. "Harry." she replied quietly only for me to hear.
I nodded pulling away from the hug and moving to stand next to Draco.
"Go on. Before you two get in trouble." Ollivander said quietly motioning for us to leave. "We can't leave you here!" I fought back.
"Y/n remember what I said. Now leave before you get into trouble." Luna gave me a weak smile.
"I'll be back. I promise." I smiled hugging the girl.
We pulled away as Draco and I made our way back to his room.
"Where were you two?" Narcissa asked walking in.
Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter love you all! Don't forget to leave a vote and comment! 🤍