"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.
"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking. "Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.
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Y/n's P.O.V
"He's back" the minister said as the aurors appeared. "We've been trying to tell you." I muttered under my breath.
We arrived back at Hogwarts.
I walked in slowly along with the rest. I was still dumbfounded. "Y/n you need to clean that cut." Luna said sweetly. "Later." I mumbled.
"Get some rest kids, It's been a long night." Dumbledore told us as we all went off to our dorms.
I walked into the Slytherin common room to see none other than Draco, Blaise, and Emaline sitting down talking.
They turned and saw me.
They ran for me hugging me tightly. I flinched when Draco ran his hand across my face. He looked so much like his dad who just awhile ago held a wand to my face.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Emaline asked softly.
I stayed quiet, as I walked passed them sitting on the couch still staring into space. "What happened?" Blaise asked.
I knew I was still mad at them but after what just happened I didn't have the energy to fight it anymore.
"I-I saw V-Voldemort." I stuttered. All of their eyes widened. "What-?"
"I think we should give her some time." Draco told the other two.
They nodded, looking down standing up to walk away. "Draco." I whispered turning to him. He turned around. "Can you stay?" I asked nervously.
"Of course." he nodded coming over to sit next to me.
I leaned my head on his shoulder as he wrapped an arm around me.
"It was scary." I mumbled. "I'm sorry." he sighed. "Your dad was there." I replied. "He-he what?" he asked. "He held a wand to my neck" I chuckled shortly.
"Y/n, I am-" "You don't have to apologize Draco, It wasn't you that did it. If anything, I'm worried about you." I huffed meeting his eyes.
"I'm pretty sure that your father is being taken to-" "Azkaban." he finished.
"I can't say I'm surprised" he answered.
"I'm sorry." now it was my turn to apologize. After all the man was still his dad.
"Are you involved-" "Can we just lay here?" he asked, cutting me off and pulling me closer to him.
I nodded into his chest. I could hear his heart beating rapidly, it made me smile. "I'm sorry for everything." he told me. "I know, it's okay." I moved up so I was face to face with him.
"Blood looks good on you." he smirked wiping my face softly.
"Oh be quiet." I grinned, rolling my eyes. I was still above him as he ran a hand through my hair. I couldn't help but stare into his eyes.
"Draco-" I was cut off by him pulling my head down. His lips met mine. It took me a while to realize what was happening but I started to kiss back. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he snaked his around my waist.
We pulled away out of breath smiling. "I'm never letting you leave me again." he whispered. "I'll hold you to that Malfoy." I chuckled before leaning in once again.
"Ready to go home?" my dad asked. "Extremely." I sighed.
I never told him what happened the night I was gone. It was only a matter of time before he was going to find out. "What happened to you face?" he asked inspecting it.
"Oh just tripped." I fake smiled.
"I'm not surprised." he let out a small chuckle as we walked out of his classroom.
"Now be safe, I'll see you back home." he kissed my forehead before walking away.
I finished grabbing my things and joined everyone on the train. I sat down next to Draco, exhausted. He leaned down kissing my cheek. "I'm never going to get used to this." Emaline gagged.
"Oh shut up, we had to deal with you two for two years." Draco rolled his eyes.
"You'll write to me, right?" I asked Draco. "As long as you do the same." he grinned as I leaned my head on the boys shoulder.
Cute little ending to year five💕 Hope y'all enjoyed! Leave a comment and vote like always!🤍