Introductions Two • Chapter 5

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Chapter Five

Chapter Five

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Now when they get here they will automatically join the fourth years, Snape has homeschooled them so they are well prepared. You will treat them with respect, and nothing less. Understood?" he said strictly.

Everyone nodded, eager to meet the new student.

"So without further ado I introduce you to Y/n Snape." he said loudly.

"That's you cue Miss Snape, I'm right behind you" she whispered to me.

Then the doors began to open and I saw the whole room turn to stare with their mouths agape. I walked confidently towards the front of the room with a small grin.

I felt all eyes on me.

I saw a few people stare more than others, which I really didn't mind.

I smirked when I finally arrived at the front and I turned to my dad.

"Dad." I said with a small smile. "Y/n." he said, hugging me lightly. The crowd gasped never seeing Snape show affection, like ever. "Goodluck" he whispered in my ear.


Harry almost spit out his drink. "She's gorgeous!" Ron said drooling. "He made that!" The twins said simultaneously while staring at the girl.

"She's not even that pretty." Ginny said, rolling her eyes making the table look at her as if she had two heads. "Have you ever seen Snape smile so much?" Hermione asked wide eyes.

"Never" the whole group answered.

"Woah" Draco said, watching the girl strut in happily. "Woah is an understatement." Blaise said, earning a slap on the head from Emaline.

"What was that about him being horrible?" Em smirked, turning to Malfoy. "Whatever." he replied looking back to the front, almost as if being hypnotized by the girl.


"Calm down everyone! Now Y/n if you could please have a seat, It's great to finally meet you." Dumbledore grinned motioning me to take a seat.

"Thank you sir, likewise" I responded shyly, moving to sit down.

Everyone immediately hushed as they put that hat on my head.

"Interesting....very interesting." I jumped as it spoke, making a few people chuckle.

"Y/n Snape I should have expected you sooner my dear. Hmm. Where to put you? No not Ravenclaw, you are extremely smart but you go beyond those traits. Loyal and kind like a Hufflepuff but you crave and seek for leadership and adventure. That leaves two...You would do amazing in Gryffindor you have courage and bravery, but Slytherin you would fit so well, you're cunning, you have ambition, and no doubt you have the ability to lead." I was growing with anticipation as the hat continued to talk and talk.

"It has to be..." everyone was on the edge of their seats.

"SLYTHERIN!" it yelled. I smirked standing up and walking towards them.

The table erupted into cheers and claps. "Let the feast begin!".

This is where I belong.

I took a seat next to Emaline as she gave me a fistbump. "You know her?" Blaise said wide eyed. "She's my best friend." Emaline said, hitting my shoulder. "You must be Blaise, I heard alot about you" I grinned, shaking his hand as Em blushed.

"Y/n Snape" I heard a deep voice say from next to Blaise.

I turned to see the boy I've only seen from stories and memories from my dad. His white blonde hair fell across his forehead as a smirk painted his face.

"Malfoy?" I asked pretending to be unsure even though I was definitely sure it was him.

"Draco Malfoy." he said, sticking out his hand for me to shake, which I gladly did. "Nice to meet you" I told him with a smile. "You too," he replied. I turned to see a few other people from the table across us staring at me.

Even though it was for a split second I knew it was him.

Harry Potter.

This was going to be a good year.

Yay! Chapter 5 done! I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you think down below! Leave a comment/vote!🤍

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