"Anyone you excited to finally meet?" she asked.
"Harry Potter obviously! Then again, my dad does talk about this other boy a lot and from what I've seen he is gorgeous." I told her smirking. "Who?" she asked leaning on the edge of her seat.
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Y/n's P.O.V
"Best Christmas ever." he whispered. "Best Christmas ever." I repeated .
Where to sit?
I wasn't going to be able to sit with Draco, Blaise, and Emaline. I just couldn't. I scanned and found Luna sitting by herself in one of the compartments.
"Can I join you?" I asked the girl. "Definitely." she answered motioning for me to sit down.
"How was your winter break?" I asked. "It was good. Quite peculiar actually, Dad thought he saw some Nargoles outside." She answered.
"Nargoles?" I asked confused. She nodded smiling. "Kids want any candy?" A lady asked walking through with her cart. "Yes actually can we have two chocolate frogs, and two Bertie Bott's?" I asked handing her some coins. She nodded handing me some.
I gave one of each to Luna. "Thank you!" She told me. "Of course! Ready to try Every-Flavour." I said dramatically.
"Oh more than ready!" she smirked. And thats what we did for the rest of the train ride.
I almost threw up after I got spinach, but that's a story for another time.
"Make it a powerful memory! The happiest you can remember allow it to fill you up!" Harry explained.
He was teaching us the Patronus Charm.
"You got this Y/n!" he walked over to me patting me on the back. "Expecto Patronum!" I yelled out, I thought about when I first walked into Hogwarts. Nothing.
"Something happier!" he yelled out before walking away. Ginny and Hermione did it perfectly on their first try. I huffed. "Expecto Patronum!" I yelled again this time thinking about my dad and I when I got my Hogwarts letter.
A light blue light came out of my wand but nothing big.
"You're close Y/n!" Hermione cheered walking over to me.
I can't think of anything else, wait maybe...just maybe.
"Expecto Patronum!" I yelled out, moments of Draco and I laughing went threw my mind, when I first met him, when he held me in his arms. I opened my eyes to see my blue light filling the entire room.
A big butterfly was in the air flapping its wings, I lost my concentration as everyone stared at me and the light slowly faded away.
"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron yelled.
"Y/n that was amazing! What ever you thought of must have been a powerful memory!" Harry shook my shoulders, congratulating me.
I smiled but it soon fell as I remembered the state Draco and I were currently in.
"I know what you thought about" Hermione said in a sing-song voice making me giggle.
Everyone got quiet as the chandelier began to shake and the lights went off. We all moved toward the wall as the glass started to break. What was happening?
There was a small hole and there was Umbridge.
"I'll make short work of this." we heard her voice loud and clear. I moved closer trying to see what she was doing.
"Y/n move!" Harry yelled.
She waved her wand making the wall explode and Harry pulled me back, tumbling on top of me. The wall was gone and there stood Umbridge, Mr. Filch, Emaline, Blaise, Crabbe, Goyle, some other Slytherins, and Draco who then pulled Cho.
We stared at them in disbelief.
Harry and Ron helped me up. I winced feeling a cut on my cheek, probably from the explosion.
My now old friends looked at me wide eyed.
Draco eyes softened and looked extremely worried. I glared at them. "Get them!" Umbridge yelled out.
Dolores Jane Umbridge Has Replaced Albus Dumbledore As Head of Hogwarts!
"This can't be happening." I whispered looking at the new rule.
Umbridge sat in a chair in the front of the room, as everyone who was in Dumbledore's army was writing lines with a blood quill. "Ouch" I whispered shaking my head.
Everyone was in pain and glaring at the woman.
We finished walking out rubbing our wrist and at the bottom of the stairs was Cho. Everyone gave her mean looks walking past her, annoyed that she ratted us out.
"How could you?" I whispered walking past her.
I ran to the common room. I sat on the couch that was in the middle of the room. I glanced at my wrist seeing the same lines I saw a few months ago. And just when they had started to clear up they were there again.
"Are you okay?" I heard a voice behind me.
I turned to see the three standing there.
"Why would you care?" I scoffed pulling my sleeve back down. "Y/n we still care about you." Blaise answered.
"Oh really? Didn't seem like it when you lead Umbridge straight to us!" I told the three. "We didn't know you were in there! Maybe if you didn't-" "Maybe if I didn't what Draco." I shook my head not wanting to finish the conversation as I walked out.
I was upset. No more than upset, I was livid. I stopped walking when I heard small whispers.
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