Rescued • Chapter 18

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Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Eighteen

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Y/n's P.O.V

"You may begin at the sound of the cannon." BOOM! Emaline cheered with the boys, clapping. "Seriously I can't believe Y/n is missing out on this." Emaline told the two.

Cedric dove into the water, using the bubble-head charm.

What would his treasure be? All these thoughts fought inside his head.

Time was running out as well.

"The Beauxbatons champion, Miss Delacoure, was unfortunately forced to retire." "I wonder what happened?" Blaise asked confused.

What Harry saw at the bottom of the black lake made him gasp.

All his friends were there next to Fleur's sister. Cedric appeared, gasping as well once he saw the state of Y/n.

He went up to her brushing her hair away from her face. Viktor swan in quickly getting Hermione and bringing her over the surface.

"Oh my gosh. It's people." Emaline looked at the two coming out of the water wide eyes.

"Do you think Y/n is-" Blaise asked running a hand over his head. "Let's hope not." Draco added.

Cedric got Y/n free as well as Harry freed Fleur's sister and Ron. Cedric and Y/n rose to the surface.


I gasped for air seeing I just got out of the water. Cedric helped me up onto the ledge. "Are you okay?" he asked moving the wet hair from my face.

"Yeah what just happened, was this the second task?" he nodded.

"Thank you for saving me." I squeezed his hand, making him blush.

"Y/n!" I heard a yell from behind me.

I turned to see Emaline, Blaise and Draco running towards me. "I bet your friends were worried sick, let me go help Harry." Cedric said before getting up.

"What the bloody hell happened?" Blaise asked. "Here take this, you must be freezing." Em said handing me a towel.

I mumbled a thank you wrapping it around my body.

"How are you? Are you alright?" Draco asked worried moving to sit next to me. "Yeah, I'm okay just a bit in shock." I said shaking my head. "I would be too." Blaise replied.

Dumbledore silenced everyone.

"The winner is Cedric Diggory!" "Woah!" I cheered nonstop along side my friends who were grateful for my safety.

We all headed back tired and completely worn out.

They walked ahead of me and I stayed behind.

"Potter! What's your hurry?" I heard my dad's voice shout. I turned the corner to see the two talking as I stayed hidden, listening into their conversation. I moved closer until I was hiding by the door.


"The use of it on a student is regrettably forbidden, however, should you ever steal from my personal stores again, my hand might just slip over your morning pumpkin juice" he said sternly.

"I haven't stolen anything!" Harry argued.

"Don't lie to me." he said loudly.

"Dad." I said moving toward there line of sight. He quickly turned his attention to me after hearing my voice.

"Off to bed you two. Now!" he yelled before closing the door. I gave Harry an apologetic look as we both went our separate ways.


"Come on we don't want to be late! We have to go support your boyfriend." Emaline cheered.

"He's not my boyfriend Em. We are just friends, you know I have my eyes on somebody else." I told her as we walked to the arena where the third and final task was going to take place.

"Leaving without us I see." Blaise asked pretending to be hurt.

"Never." I smiled as we walked over to them.

Blaise and Emaline walked in front of us hand in hand.

Draco wrapped an arm around my shoulder. I looked at him confused, "What you looked cold?" he shrugged, making me shake my head. We got there getting seats at the very first row.

In walked Cedric making me cheer loudly.

The other constants followed as we all clapped. Cedric turned to me flashing me a bright smile which I mirrored.

"Good luck" I mouthed. "Thank you." he mouthed back. "Prepare yourselves! On the count of three, one..."


I clapped cheering the two boys who went on first.

Next chapter might be sad I'm warning y'all! Leave a vote and comment!🤍🤧

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