Year 5 • Chapter 20

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Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty

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Y/n's P.O.V

"Your dad made pancakes!" I heard a scream from beside me.

I jumped as Emaline ran in and back down the stairs. I groaned looking at the clock. Pancakes this late, it's almost nightfall. 

I heard a soft knock at my window and saw a black and white owl holding a piece of mail.

I walked over opening it slowly, the owl flew in sitting at my desk. I grabbed the note setting it down. "Aw you're adorable! I wonder who you belong to." I grabbed some treats and fed it some while petting the owl lightly.

"Off you go then" I smiled opening the window and letting it back out.

I grabbed the note flipping it back and forth.

I didn't see an address or a name. Weird. Whiskers jumped on my bed nestling to my side. "Hey you." I smiled petting her. I opened the letter to see messy yet clean handwriting.

Dear Y/n,

I'm really sorry I didn't write to you all summer.

Believe me I wanted to, but father didn't permit it

because we had... things to attend to. I can't

wait to see you back at Hogwarts in a few days.

I missed you. I hope you're not too mad at me.

I wouldn't suggest writing me parents

don't even know I'm sending you this.

Overall, I hope your doing well. See you soon.

Love, Draco Malfoy

I couldn't contain my heart from doing a tiny backflip.

I thought he was avoiding me.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't as excited to see him. "Hurry up, your food is getting cold!" Emaline said running in and interrupting my thoughts. I nodded running down stairs.

"How was your nap?" my dad asked. "Good." "That's what you always say." he rolled his eyes slightly.

"Thanks for the pancakes Snape" Emaline smiled stuffing her whole face.

"No problem Emaline" I think my dad grew a soft spot for Em, considering she was here most of the summer. "I see you received a letter." my dad stated raising an eyebrow.

"Did I?" I pretended to be confused as I ate a fork full of pancakes.

He hummed before standing up. "Anyways I have to go meet with some people, I'll be back soon. If you need anything, don't summon me." He chuckled before disappearing.

"What's up with your dad Y/n, he's been leaving a lot recently?" Emaline asked. "I know it's weird." I said shaking my head.

"Have you packed yet?" she added.

"Nope." I smiled. "Y/n come on." she complained. I got my wand from my pocket swinging it and all my luggages popped up.

"Y/n you can't do magic just like that, what if the ministry finds out, I heard Harry Potter's in for it." Emaline told me shaking her head.

"That's exactly why I can do magic just like that, they are way too focused on him to notice anyone else." I explained.

"Whatever." she huffed.


"You girls have a safe trip." My dad said biding us goodbye as we got onto the train.

"See you later, love you" I hugged him tightly before walking off to the Slytherin compartment of the train. "Are you excited to see him?" Em asked me.

"Extremely." I smiled. "Well there he is.." she hit my shoulder pushing me slightly.

There he was. His hair was combed and he was dressed in all black. He was looking out the window.

"Malfoy." I greeted as I walked towards him.

Reunited bby! I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter! Leave a comment/vote!🤍

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