Imagine #1- Bail

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dea came from VINTAGEHALL Go read the original imagine.

Hi, I'm Skylar Hall. Yes, Bryce Hall's sister. I'm 17 and dating Jaden Hossler.
Skylar: Yes officer. I'll be there in an hour.
Tayler: Who was it Sky?
Skylar: That? Oh that was the cops. Jay got arrested and got caught with drugs. Plus my dumbass big brother had weed.
Tayler: So what? We all know they smoke weed.
Skylar: Not just weed. Controlled substanses. God these dumbasses. Well, I have to go bail my boyfriend and my brother out of jail. I'll be back.
Tayler: Want me to go?
Skylar: Yeah, if you want.
Me and Tayler got into his car. I told Tayler to drive since it was his car and I was fuming so I probably wasn't in the best shape to drive.
Tayler: How much is it to get them out?
Skylar: Bryce is 20k and Jaden is 40k.
Tayler: You sure you got enough?
Skylar: Tayler, I have a seperate account that I put bail money into. I put in a thousand every month so I'm positive I have enough. This is the third time I've had to bail Bryce out of jail. He's up to 60k already.
Tayler: He'll pay you back.
Skylar: I don't care about the money, it's the fact that I've had to bail my brother out of jail because he's a dumbass. He should be the one bailing me out and not telling my mom, not the other way around.
Tayler: You know how Bryce is.
Skylar: Sadly I do.
Tayler: Well, we're here.
Skylar: Let's go bail these two dumbasses out of the can.
I handed the lady at the desk a check that could be cashed for 60k. She nodded and looked at me simpethetically. She talked into the radio and a few minutes later my brother and boyfriend walked out. They both looked terrible and it looked like they both cried. The way they looked made me want to go and hug them and forgive them, but I can't. I am pissed beyond belief. I stood there with my arms crossed and tapping my foot as the boys looked at me.
Bryce: Hey baby sis.
Baby sis is what he calls me when he wants me to forgive him or he wants something.
Skylar: Bryce. I said scoffing.
Jaden: Hey babe.
Skylar: Jaden. I said equally as sassy.
Tayler: Well, let's get going. We have an hour to drive before we get home.
I flipped around and walked out to the car. Tayler got into the drivers seat and Jaden and Bryce sat in the back. We had been driving for about ten minutes and the tension in the air was thick.
Bryce: I'll pay you back baby sis.
Skylar: You're damn right you're paying me back. I don't have 20 bags to drop everytime you decide to be a dumbass. And you Hossler, you and me our room at Sway. You're in deep shit Arkansas and don't think you're gonna get off that easy. And Bryce drop the baby sis shit, I'm not forgiving you that fast this time.
After my little rant, Tayler dropped us all off at Sway. We walked in and all of the boys looked at us weird.
Josh: Where were you guys?
Skylar: These two dumbasses got busted with weed and some other bullshit. So the good person, sister, and girlfriend that I am, I went to go bail their asses out of jail.
Bryce: I'm sorry baby sis.
Skylar: If you were sorry you wouldn't keep calling me to get you out of jail Bryce.
Jaden: Babe, we really are sorry.
Skylar: Shut it Hossler.
Quinton: Oh shit, she called him Hossler, he's fucked.
Skylar: And you will be too if you don't shut it Griggs. Kio, get me a beer.
Bryce: Kio don't. Just because you're pissed doesn't mean you can drink.
Skylar: Really? Do you want to play this game with me, because I will win. When you were 16 and drank and smoked weed and you called me to go pick you up, keep in mind I was 13, and I never said anything. I kept your secret for years Bryce. Cyr I swear to god if there sin't a beer in my hand in the next five seconds I'll drop somebody.
Josh: Take it easy Sky.
Skylar: Shut it Richards. When you keep something from your parent for five goddamn years just to protect your brothers ass, then you can talk to me. Otherwise you keep your mouth shut.
Bryce: You never told Mom?
Skylar: No dumbass I didn't. But next time you call me to get you out of jail, I will. Or better yet, I'll just have the jail call her and tell her. Don't mess with me big brother. Hossler, get your ass upstairs, NOW!
Bryce: You tell Mom about me I'll tell her what you did when you were 14 in the front seat of her car. Don't test me.
Skylar: I'm pretty sure she will be more pissed about her oldest child used his little sister to keep his dirty little secret than her youngest having sex in her car, and I was 15 asshole.
Bryce: Whatever. Tell her, I don't care.
Skylar: So if I call her now, you won't care? If I send her your mugshot you won't care? If I show her how much money I've used and how many times I've bailed you out, you won't care?
Bryce: You little bitch!
Skylar: That's what I thought. Now I'm gonna go talk to my boyfriend. Try not to get arrested again.
I walked upstairs and into Jaden's room. He was just laying there, looking at the ceiling. I felt so bad for him, but at the same time, I was so mad. I laid down beside him and wrapped my arms around his waist.
Skylar: Jaden.
Jaden: Yeah babe.
Skylar: What do you have to say for yourself?
Jaden: I don't know what to say Sky.
Skylar: Jay, I was worried sick. I understand you're having fun. I completely understand that. You're having fun and not worrying but that's not the problem I have. Every time you don't come home on time or you're with the boys do you know what I think? What is he doing? Is he okay? Is he alive?
Jaden: I'm sorry.
Skylar: That's the thing Jay. You say you're sorry, but how do I know the next time you go out you aren't going to do the same thing. How do I know I can trust the fact that you won't do it again. How do I know the next call I get from the cops isn't going to be a we found your boyfriend dead call.
Jaden: You won't. Baby, I promise I'll stop. I promise I'll call if I'm going to stay out later. Just tell me what you want me to do.
Skylar: I don't want you to promise me anything. I'm just scared. You could still go back to jail. You could go to court and serve time. I j-just.
I broke down. Thinking of not having Jaden around. It scared me, it really did. Jay wrapped one of his arms around my waist and the other holding my head on his chest.
Jaden: Im right here and I'm not going anywhere.
Skylar: I can't loose you Jay.
I know, I'm being extra, but I'm being serious here.
Jaden: You aren't going to. I love you too much to leave you.
Skylar: I love you too.

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