Imagine #2- Sneaky

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was laying on my bed, my thighs and knees still on my bed, with my calves and feet crossed in the air behind me. I was reading my favorite book, for only the fiftieth time.

My door busted open and Jaden was standing in my door way.

"Jae?" I asked, confused as to why he just randomly came into my room.
"I missed you."
"You can't just come into my room. What happens if Bryce sees you?"
"He's passed out in his room."
"You sure?"
"Yea. I went in there to check."
"Just shut the door before anyone sees you in here."
"Relax, the only one that knows is Blake."
"Who's literally my brother's best friend."
"He's known for this long. He hasn't said anything. I trust him."
"I'm glad one of us does."

He smiled at me and came and sat by me on my bed. I got up and bookmarked my page and set it on my vanity. I straddled Jaden's lap and his my face in the crook of his neck.
"When are we gonna tell your brother?"
"Jaden, I really don't know. I dont want him to get freaked about the age gap."
"But you're 18 and I'm 20. Its not like you're still a minor."
"I know, but you know how my brother reacts to things like this. Not to mention you're one of his best friends. "
"I know. I'm just tired of sneaking around all the time."
"I know Jae, it's frustrating."
"It is. I don't want to sneak around in my own house. I can't even look at you in public because there's always someone recording. I'm just irritated."
"I know Jaden. You think it doesn't bother me that I have to wait until everyone is asleep to go cuddle you. Or the fact that I can't get anywhere near you in public. I can't even kiss you without the door being locked."
"The door is locked now."
"Kiss me."
He grinned devilishly at me and I smiled back. I landed down and placed my lips on his. We fought for dominance and he won before flipping us over so he was on top of me. O ran my hands through his curly black hair and tugged at the roots. He groaned and pulled away from the kiss.
"We can't."
"I know. Everyone's awake."
"I'm sorry."
"It's okay Jae. I know we have to hide it."
"I wish we didn't have to though."
"Me too. But, we'll figure it out."

We laid down, my head on his chest, and one of his arms around my shoulder. We watched a couple episodes of Supernatural, then he decided he should sneak back in to his room before one of the boys barged in unexpectedly.

The next few weeks, was just difficult. We both hated and even started to resent sneaking around. But we had to do it, so we did it.

But, one day, the boys all said they had something to do outside the house....except Jaden. Which meant me and Jaden would finally have the house to ourselves.
Of course, Bryce went into protective older brother mode and tried to make an excuse as to why me and Jaden couldn't be left alone. But, Blake saved the day and said we would be fine, which was the truth. So, reluctantly, Bryce said it was fine, and everyone left.

Let's just say, me and Jaden....... enjoyed our time alone today. If you get what I mean.

But, before the boys got home, I left, just to make it seem like I've been gone most of the time. Plus, there were these really cute leggings I've been eyeing at the mall, but that's beside the point.

So, I thought nothing of it, and I thought the plan was fool proof. Key word, thought.

Once I got home, it was obvious I was wrong. Way, way, wayyy wrong.

So, I walked in, not expecting anything to be going wrong. But, once I got to my room, my worse fear had come true.

"How long have you been sleeping with Jaden?"
"What do you mean Big Brother?" I asked trying to sound convincing, but I clearly didn't do a good job of that.
"Don't Big Brother me. Answer the question."
"6 months." I said while hanging my head low.
"6 months!"
"I don't want to hear it. I don't want to listen to how my baby sister and best friend have been fucking behind my back for half a year."
"We weren't just fucking Bryce. We are dating. He loves me, and I love Jaden."
"Get out."
"C'mon man. She's your sister."
"I meant both of you. Get out."
"Bryce. Please don't do this to me."
"To you? You guys were the ones who decided to sneak around."
"Because we had to. We knew you would react like this. You left us no choice but to stay in the dark."

At this point all of the boys were standing in the door, prepared to break up a fight that could break out at any moment. And knowing my brother, that would happen here pretty quick.

"You could have asked."
"No, we couldn't have. Because you wouldn't have even thought about it. You would have said no, and that would have just been it. Do you realize that it was pure torture not being able to hug, or kiss, or even touch Jaden sometimes. But that's because you would've freaked instead of trying to be happy for us."
"Get out. I can't even stand to look at either one of you right now."
"That's fucked up man. That's your baby sister, you can't talk to her like that. At least take your anger out on me, but you leave Olivia alone."

And take his anger out on Jaden he did. Almost right after Jaden stopped talking, Bryce straight up punched him. Jaden didn't even wait a second. He threw a punch right back at my brother and that's all it took for Bryce to completly come undone. My poor brother was pretty much a punching bag at this point, but the boys couldn't get Bryce off of him.
So I did what I had to do to make the fight stopped. I yelled as loud as I could...



And all eyes were on me, and everyone was frozen in shock at that had just said.

Stay tuned for part 2 people!

Okay, so ik that's really rude, but part two will be posted inside this next week.

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