Imagine #1- Fights

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I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. I groaned and rolled out of bed. Today, the newest Sway member was moving in, and lucky me, I have to share a room with the kid. So I got up, curled my hair, did my makeup and changed.

Then, I walked downstairs and was met with my brother, Josh, and all of the other boys

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Then, I walked downstairs and was met with my brother, Josh, and all of the other boys.
"Morning big brother."
"Go change."
"Nah. I'll stay in this."
"Please. I don't need the new guy checking out my little sister."
"Josh, the guy is gonna share a room with me. He's gonna see me in less and he's gonna check me out regardless."
"She has a point Josh." Bryce added.
My brother sighed, and turned back to the boys. I went into the kitchen and grabbed myself something to drink when the doorbell rang. I walked out and seen all of the boys doing their handshakes with the new guy and when they moved out of the way, I almost dropped my cup. My breathe hitched in my throat, and I looked right into his eyes, the eyes I've missed so much. Caleb.
I looked over at Josh who gave me a look of sympathy.
"So Madi, long time no see."
"Wait, you two know each other?" Bryce asked, clearly puzzled.
"You could say that."
"Since when?"
"We used to date."
"Best relationship I ever had, if I might add."
"Not that good if you cheated."
"For the 500th time, I didn't cheat Madi!"
"Really Caleb?! I have proof. I have pictures of you slobbering all over random chicks at the bar. I washed the lipstick and the perfume out of your clothes. I sat there, and watched you cheat."
"No Caleb. I said there and watched you step out on me, over and over, but I loved you so much, I-I love you so much, that I didn't do anything."
"I'm not the only one that stepped out. I know you slept with your ex, I know you cheated on me with him."
"Do you really want to keep this going?"
"You're just scared to keep going 'cause you know I'm right."
"Really Caleb?! You act so innocent. When you'd 'go out for drinks with the boy's, I knew what you were doing. You think I didn't know where all the money went. When you came home smelling like cheap whiskey and cigarettes, I knew the whole time. I might have only been 16, but I still knew."
"Right. So that's why you just left?"
"Of course dumbass. I tried to fix things, and you did nothing."
"No Madi, I fixed my shit. You left."
"Are you fucking joking right now?! How many times did I call, and hear your voicemail? How many unanswered texts did I send? How many times did I show up at your doorstep only for you to slam that door in my face, over and over. I tried Caleb. But you never did."
"Get your bags. We're sharing a room for the time being."

I took Caleb up to my room and he set his stuff down. We went back downstairs and the boys said we were gonna go to Hype House. We all divided into cars and took off.
When we eventually got there, I seen Tayler, Thomas, Alex, Josh, and Bryce all have there cameras.
"Someone mind telling me why everyone has their cameras?"
"Well, Alex has a bit for you and Caleb then, Caleb and Michael have a fight in two hours." Thomas explained.
"What's the bit Alex?"
"I have this thing where couples kiss on camer-"
"Not happening."
"Yeah. We're not together."
"I know. So, Tayler, and Madi. You are both gonna pick a number, if its the same one, you kiss, if not, you don't."
Me and Tayler both picked the number 3 and I groaned in defeat.
"What does the number 3 mean?"
"Don't worry about it."
"C'mon Madi. Just tell me."
"It's the number of times we've hooked up, okay? Happy?"
Caleb rolled his eyes at me in pure annoyance.
"You two ready?" Alex asked breaking up the tension.
"I guess."
"Let's just get this over with."
I grabbed the sides of Caleb's face with my hands and smashed my lips to his. This went on for all of a minute before we both pulled away.
"That work?" I asked rolling my eyes at Alex.
When Alex turned off his camera, everyone else turned theirs on.
"So when exactly was this fight?"
"It starts in like an hour and a half, so we're gonna head over there." Thomas said.
"Well, let's go then.
"Woah, who said you were going?" Josh asked pulling the classic protective older brother.
"I'm not missing a fight that has Caleb and a major douche bag."
"Fine. Just stay out of the way.
"Then let's go big brother."

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