Chapter 2

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Mishti Raj Singhania was slightly bored and more than a little disappointed. She had fought with her brother Naksh to be allowed to come here for the army week because she thought it would be meaningful and interesting.

However, it was the same nonsense of parties and booze with no interesting conversations. For God's sake, they were in a historic place. The place where the Pakistan-Indian wars were fought. And all these people could talk about was the new pearl necklace they had bought the other day? Ridiculous.

She had become close friends with Reshmi Dewar during college and when they returned home, she had become friends with Reshmi's brother Captain Rohan Dewar. She had found it mildly diverting to consort with the handsome, uniformed Captain, son and heir of the diamond merchant Vikas Dewar—to go driving with him, to sit with him and his parents and sister in their box at the concert hall, to the park and the theatre, to dance with him at the various functions.

And then Rohan Dewar had received word that he was to go to J and K with his regiment and attend the celebrations, and the Dewars, including Reshmi, had decided to go after him to J and K. Dozens, maybe hundreds of other members of the fashionable world were going there too.When Reshmi had invited her, Mishti had been damn excited. She could go observe the army in action. She could have intelligent conversations about the aftermath and the utter frivolities of the war. She could and would learn more about the life there.

Instead, it was the same as in Rajkot. The upper class got ready, went to one of the others' house and danced and made merry, not caring that danger wasn't far away.

Mishti sighed now. Maybe Naksh shouldn't have let her come. It was all a little disappointing.

Of course, there were advantages to being in J and K. There was a wonderful sense of freedom, for one thing. There was no Naksh to watch her every move. There was only Nannu, the brother closest to her in age, who was here with the embassy. But though he had promised Naksh to keep a brotherly eye on her, he really had been doing no more than that so far. It was more like half an eye, in fact.

Mrs Dewar was very sweet and kind, if a little silly. Mr Dewar had no wish to talk to a girl who was just barely 21. So he ignored them most of the time. Reshmi was a lovely girl but even she didn't like discussing interesting topics preferring to talk about movies and fashion instead.

The Singhanias were much different. They discussed all topics and were indulgent with Mishti, though she was the youngest. Her siblings loved her and took care of her even if Naksh was a little aloof at times. He after all was the eldest. Then came Kunal, one of India's most renowned businessmen who was married to his beautiful wife Kuhu. After him was her one and only sister Naira, who after claiming that she would never marry, had finally fallen for the suave Kartik Goenka and was now Mrs Goenka for the past three years. Then there was Nannu, the happy go lucky one in the family who didn't know what to do with his life and so, decided to join the embassy as a volunteer. And finally Mishti, baby of the family who was now thought to be engaged to Captain Rohan Dewar. Almost betrothed, that is.

Mishti enjoyed dancing with Captain Rohan Dewar because he really did look very handsome and dashing in his uniform and he danced well. When she had first met him she had thought that she might fall in love with him. But now that she was better acquainted with him she was having some serious doubts about him. He had told her earlier, that he felt very strongly about his role as an officer. He was quite prepared, he had added, to die for his country if he must—and for his mother and his sister and . . . Well, he did not yet have the right to add another name, he had concluded with a smoldering look at her.

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