Chapter 12

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Hey guys, I've been getting a lot of requests to update heartfelt and believe me, I'm doing my best. I am working on it during all my free time and will try to post asap. It's just a really busy time for me with midterms and everything. Hope you all understand.


Abir knew that he had done some rash things in his life. Things that had got him into any number of nasty scrapes. This was no scrape. This was downright trouble. What the hell had he done?

He had aided and abetted a young lady in defying and walking away from her appointed chaperone, that was what. Not just for an hour or a morning. Not even for a day. The Dewars were leaving for Rajkot. Mishti Raj Singhania was staying in Srinagar. And he had defended her decision to remain without them. He had promised to look after her himself.

I will personally undertake to see that no harm comes to her.

Abir recalled those words or something similar to it and wondered once more what had he done?

Abir (thinking) : What have you done?

He thought about what he had accomplished. What he had just accomplished, unless he could find some way of wriggling out of the situation, was the fulfillment of all his dreams of avenging himself upon Naksh. Once the Dewars had arrived home and spread the word in Rajkot that she had been alone in a strange city with no one else for company, Mishti would be the talk of the town. Even in this independent age, there was a difference between men and women and Mishti would be gossipped about for staying alone under the protection of a stranger.

He no longer wanted to avenge himself upon Naksh this way. Not through her. He liked her. He respected and admired her.

She was worlds better than her douche of a brother.

Mishti : Was I wrong? Am I?

Abir turned to look at her as he drove them to Mrs Raichand's house. He guessed that it was a rhetorical question, but he answered it anyway.

Abir : No!

His voice must have had something to it, cause she turned to face him.

Abir : You did the right thing. Mrs Dewar was your chaperone. She was supposed to take care of you. She, of course, is worried about her son and wants him safe from all harm. But she was responsible for you as well and she failed.

Mishti let out a sigh.

Mishti : Thank you! I was thinking the same thing.

Abir : Mrs Raichand has offered you a place in her home?

Mishti nodded.

Mishti : She was very pleased and brushed off all my apologies. She said she'll love my company.

Abir : She is a remarkable woman. You'll be safe there. I shall once more go about making enquiries on your brother's whereabouts.

Perhaps, he thought, he would find Nannu today. Perhaps he was injured and lying in a field hospital somewhere. Or perhaps the man would simply ride into Srinagar from wherever he had been for the past two days, some reasonable explanation on his lips. Perhaps after all he could set out for Rajkot with his sister later today, or at the very least take over responsibility for her.

But if it were to happen, it would be a miracle indeed.

Nishant Raj Singhania was almost certainly dead.

Mishti : Thank you, Mr Rajvansh. Do... Do you think he's dead?

Abir gave her an assessing look.

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