Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

After everyone had left for their excursion, Mishti and Abir set out to the beach and the cave. The walk was very peaceful and cheery. Abir was happy to carry Mishti's painting materials and watched her as she skipped along the path in front of him.

She looked really pretty wearing a blue tank top with a white shrug and denim capris.. A light blue hat covered her head and was holding an apron in her hand to wear while she painted.

The path to the beach was lovely--- Filled with shady trees and a gravelly path, it made for a smooth sojourn. There were small flowering plants along the sides and benches to rest if anyone needed any.

They finally reached the caves and the two sighed-- Mishti with delight and Abir with nostalgia and pleasure.

The cave was really beautiful. Hundred of years ago, the water had eroded away some of the rock in a small hill adjoining the beach creating a natural and not too deep cave. There was even a sort of chimney on top that allowed light to enter and so it was not damp or musty.

Abir had loved coming here when he was a kid and so, his father had built a sort of garden on the outside so that it could be Abir's own haven. But over the years, the water line had receded and now the cave wasn't easily seen from the beach. So it was the perfect area for Mishti to paint. Solitude and beauty-- all in one place.

Abir looked around and was pleased to see the garden weeded and the cave dry and clean. He took out a rock which showed a hidden shelf underneath. He removed a blanket and smiled. That had been recently cleaned too.

He had not been here since his return. He was glad to see that it was still carefully tended here.

Mishti (pleased) : This is lovely.

He smiled at her as he put down his burdens and set up her easel. He had known she would appreciate it.

She closed her eyes and inhaled deeply.

Mishti : Oh, the smell of the sea breeze, the rustle of the leaves, the sound of the water, the sight of water meeting land.... This place is perfect. It's so serene, Abir. But there is more here besides just beauty. It... It strikes a chord with you. I can feel it here. Can you?

She touched one hand to her heart.

Abir : This was my private haven. I always came here when I was down or sad.

Mishti (smiling) : There are very few places like that, Aren't there? Places where you get comfort, solace. Places where you feel closer to the world... to yourself.. to God.

Abir smiled and nodded. He kept the paints in front of her and pulled out another blanket which he spread a few feet away from the easel.

Abir : I promised to stay quiet while you painted. Why don't you get started? I shall lie down here and may even go off to sleep.

She nodded and put on her apron and gave her hat to him. He donned it on immediately, ignoring the amused look she gave him. After all, it shielded him from the light.

In addition, he looked away from her, towards the other side, so that she would not feel self-conscious. She was not merely fooling about, she had told him, and he believed her. He was beginning to realize that there were enormous depths to the character of his betrothed, young as she was.

She did not immediately paint, he noticed. She set out everything in readiness and then she sat on the blanket and clasped her arms about her knees. As soon as he realized she had become unaware of his presence he watched her. Anyone coming upon them at that moment might have supposed she was idle, seduced away from her intended painting by the heat of the day. He knew differently. He knew that she was not merely looking for a pretty subject for her painting but was waiting for her surroundings to speak to her artistic soul.

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