Chapter 26

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Hi everyone! Hope you're all doing well. Sorry for the pause in between updates. Have been very busy due to end semester exams. Will update regularly from now on. 

I know heartfelt has been left hanging for months now and so, My first priority is to finish that and have the next update out by next week max.. 

This story too will come to an end soon and we'll see about the next story after that.

Chapter 26

The day had finally come.

It was Mishti's and Abir's engagement day. Parul Rajvansh had planned events for the entire day and right now, guests were arriving for the garden buffet lunch that was to start soon.

Mishti stood at the top of the stairs staring at the people down below. She knew that everyone was waiting for her to come and only then would the lunch start, but she took another moment and looked at Abir.

He was mingling with the guests, most of whom were the townspeople in Chandipur rather than important businessmen or influential people in society. Mishti felt humbled and happy to see them. Though her family wasn't snobbish in the least, Neither had they ever invited anyone other than their society guests for important functions. All that had changed when Kuhu had joined the family. But now seeing Abir, Mishti remembered the days in Srinagar when she had spent time treating random, nameless strangers.

She had spoken to them, made them comfortable and she had understood that the position she held in society and life was just a lucky or perhaps unlucky turn of events.

Kunal : There you are. Seeing if everything is perfect, Are you?

Mishti turned to the side and looked at her smiling brother. She returned his smile and shook her head.

Mishti : Just wanted a moment to take it all in.

He came, stood next to her and gave her a sideways hug.

Kunal : Are you happy?

Mishti considered the question. The past two days had been turbulent at the least. After Abir had apologised and left, He didn't try and talk to her alone again. They had met for mealtimes and evening games, but he had mostly left her to her thoughts, which were conflicting.

Should she forgive him? Should she continue with her plan? Her brains hurt everytime she thought of her choice. What was she going to do?

Kunal nudged her gently.

Kunal : Mishti, Are you...

Mishti (smiling warmly) : Of course I am. It just feels real now, You know.

Kunal (nodding) : I can't believe how my sister has become so mature. You're only twenty. You don't have to do this, you know. But I can see that you're capable of making your own decision. I know you are as beautiful inside like you are outside.

Mishti blinked, trying to will away the tears that threatened to form.

Kunal hugged her once more and placed a chaste kiss on her forehead. He looked at Abir.

Kunal : I know he may have had a shady past. He may have demons of his own. But as a man who loves his wife very much, and as a brother who can judge his sister's betrothed, I can tell you this. Abir loves you. He is a good man.

Mishti (looking at Abir) : Yes, He is.

As though feeling her eyes on him, Abir looked up and smiled when he saw her. Mishti's heart beat rapidly as she watched him climb the stairs to join them.

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