Chapter 7

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The next morning, Nannu knocked on the door of the Dewar House in J and K. He spoke to Mr Dewar privately before Mishti came downstairs to greet her brother.

Mishti (happily) : Nannu! How are you? You didn't come and meet me yesterday.

Nannu (hugging her) : I'm sorry. I was busy with the embassy. Mrs Dewar, Good morning. I hope you are well? Reshmi, A pleasure to see you, as always.

Reshmi and Mrs Dewar smiled and nodded their greeting.

Mrs Dewar : Nishant beta! You've come so early in the morning. Any special reason?

Nannu : Ji! The circumstances doesn't look good or safe. I have spoken to the Dixits. They are leaving tonight for Rajkot and have agreed to take Mishti back with them. They will also have place for Reshmi, should she wish to go back home.

Mishti stiffened, and Reshmi stared with wide-eyed dismay at her mother.

Mrs Dewar tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and looked troubled.

Mrs Dewar : I am grateful for the offer beta, But should there be a war or any attacks, I would like my family close with me. And I cannot like the idea of abandoning Rohan in his hour of need. Besides, I cannot believe the situation is so desperate.

Nannu : I understand, Mrs Dewar. But I would sleep better knowing Mishti was back at home with Naksh. Please start packing, Mishti, and be ready by 6.

Mishti : Oh please! I don't want to leave, Nannu.

Nannu (astonished) : Mishti! You know that it might not be safe. What if something happens?

Mishti was conflicted. She knew that her brother wanted her safe and sound. She was scared. She'd be a fool if she weren't. But her fears were not focused upon herself. Somehow it seemed cowardly to leave.

And though she was not in love with Captain Rohan or any of the other officers of her acquaintance, nevertheless she knew them and cared what happened to them. She felt sick at the thought of being sent away.

Mishti: I'm not going, Nannu.

She could be very stubborn when she set her mind to it, as all her family knew.

Nannu (sighing) : Mishti, I want to speak to you alone. Come to the other room.

Mrs Dewar : Don't trouble yourself. Reshmi and I need to be looking at some other matters anyways.

As they left, Nannu glared at Mishti.

Nannu : What is wrong with you? You know it might be dangerous. Naksh, Kunal and Naira will be furious. Call them and convince them if you can. But you have to go back, Mishti.

Mishti : Come on bhai!

Nannu rolled his eyes. Mishti only called him bhai when she wanted him to accept her statement.

Mishti : Please. I promise.. I will leave as soon as the danger is close. I'm sure Mrs Dewar knows her priorities. She will never put Reshmi in harm's way. I will wait until that moment, Nannu. I will trust them to make the right decision. I was sent here in their care, after all. Don't play elder brother, Nannu. Just be my brother. I cannot leave now. I cannot.

Nannu saw that his sister was shaking and made her sit down.

Nannu (gently) : Is this because of Rohan? Do you like him after all? Have you both done something you shouldn't have?

Mishti : No! There is nothing between Rohan and me. Please Nannu, i don't want to go. In two days, General Raichand is having a meeting where everyone is allowed to attend. I'm sure he will tell us all there is to know about the military situation.

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