Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Mishti was the youngest of a family of five. Life had been boisterous while they were growing up. She could remember wild, vigorous, often dangerous games with the neighbouring children. But the trouble was that they had all grown up long before she did. The last few years had been relatively lonely ones. And until recently she had been technically been in boarding school and then college in Bangalore. She had had very little experience of being one among other adults, especially in Rajkot or otherwise.

She loved being at Chandipur. She was surrounded by her own family and Abir's. And she was very much one of them, the focus of all attention. They called upon neighbours, and friends called upon them, and she was no longer the very young Mishti Raj Singhania, but the affianced bride of Abir Rajvansh. Everyone was excited at the prospect of the betrothal party that was going to take place soon.

Sometimes she forgot that it was all a charade, that she had been driven into this false position by outrage and the burning desire to exact revenge.

She really had not realized how badly Abir had been damaged by an ancient injustice. When he had spoken of it in vague terms in Srinagar, she had assumed that now that he was no longer exiled, he could return to Rajkot, take up his duties as usual, and live happily ever after. But it had been very unimaginative of her to think thus. In a very real sense his youth had been taken from him. He was a man who had wandered aimlessly for five years, building an impressive and doubtless a well-deserved reputation as a flirt and a businessman, but nevertheless robbed of the life that ought to have been his in the country that was his own.

He was full of hatred and bitterness, much of which he was denying.

She still strongly resented what he had done to her. She could never forgive him for that. She could never trust him again. But it was basically against her nature to hate. And since she was here at Chandipur for a while, she might as well try to do some good.

Kunal's son Laksh wanted to play with a kid Sachin in town with whom he had become fast friends. Since Kuhu and Kunal were occupied with their own duties, Mishti volunteered to go and drop him there. Ofcourse Abir joined them as well.

Mishti (to Sachin's mother) : Don't worry, Mrs Sethia. I'll come and pick him up after a while.

She walked back to the car where Abir was waiting.

Mishti : Why don't we walk here for a while before picking up Laksh. There's nothing to do at home anyways.

Abir nodded and they walked along the crowded streets of Chandipur, stopping several times to greet the people who knew Abir and spoke to him.

Mishti : They love you, you know. They really seem to like you and approve of you taking over from your father.

It was true too. He talked with them and laughed with them and listened to them. They responded to his charm, which seemed very genuine in his dealings with them.

Abir : They definitely don't think I'm as good as my father. They keep suggesting what he would do and how I should change my ideas. But they don't seem to mind when I don't agree. I think it's because they like me investing in their businesses and helping them stay on their feet.

Mishti : Nevertheless, You like doing it, Don't you?

Abir (nodding) : I am also realizing how irresponsible it was of me to stay away for a full year after Papa died and I knew I could come back. But then if I had not, Mish, I would not have met you.

Mishti (curtly) : We both would have been better off if you had not.

He laughed softly.

They had been strolling back along a side street, a full hour or more after leaving the Sethias' house. Mishti noticed the main street where Abir's father's statue had been built and she guided him towards that way.

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