Chapter 21

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Abir wondered if Mishti knew what she was doing. They had announced their engagement to both families. To be clear, Their "pretend" engagement.

His mother and Ketki were delighted and happy for him and while Mishti's family had not been as delighted as his own, They had seemed pleased. Naksh had been polite, though he showed no warmth or approval of the match.

Mishti was radiant, even when they were alone. Had he not known differently; he might almost have imagined that she was wildly in love with him.

Though he was not quite convinced that she was not-or that he was not in love with her. But her radiance, he was aware, was like a bright, hard shield beyond which he could not penetrate and no one else was aware of.

He wondered what the future would bring. She had made it very clear to everyone who asked that they had no immediate plans to marry. She had said she was only 20 and would like a long betrothal period. Everyone was unanimous with her suggestion.

He looked at the living room where their families were sitting down, discussing their plans for the next few days. He decided to join them and took the seat between his mother and Mishti. He noticed her slight stiffening of shoulders but otherwise she showed no other reaction other than delight.

Kuhu : So what should we do now? I mean, Mishti was planning on coming to Udaipur with us. But ofcourse, Everything's changed now. What should we do, Mishti? Kunal? Naira? Abir?

Kunal : My sweet, If you go naming everyone, We'll be here until the end of the day. Any suggestions?

Parul : Well, I wanted to invite Mishti to Chandipur so that I could introduce her to Atul and our other friends and family there. It could prove a nice way for the two families to get to know each other as well.

Abir pounced on the idea.

Abir : Yes, Why don't you come to Chandipur, All of you? I can spend more time with Mishti then and we all can try and be a proper family. What do you say, My love?

Parul (pleased) : Yes, I quite agree. Please, Kunal, Kartik? What do you say?

Kartik and Kunal had a silent conversations with their wives and Abir turned to Mishti who looked at him with narrowed eyes.

Abir (whispering) : Tired of being nice to me already, Mish?

Mishti smiled and took his hands and patted them in a reassuring manner. She opened her mouth to speak but Kartik spoke before them.

Kartik : Well, I think it's a splendid idea but it's upto everyone else.

Kunal : I think the kids will love going to Chandipur. There's a beach there if I'm not mistaken.

Naira : Oh, That's settled then. We'll spend the next three weeks or so in Chandipur. Then we'll discuss what Mishti and Abir's future plans are.

Everyone resumed their delighted chatter and Abir turned to Mishti once more.

Abir : So, Does this please you, Mishti?

To his surprise, Mishti wore a bright grin.

Mishti : It does, Sweetheart.

Her eyes glowed.

He was, he realized, enjoying himself enormously. He was very glad she had decided to fight him. He was horribly guilty where she was concerned. Although not all her accusations against him were true, he had used her quite deliberately and abominably. He had sunk into a lethargic state after she had rejected his offer in Singhania Mansion.

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