Chapter 19

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I know you all are wondering about Abir's confusing behaviour. He is too. He wants to be with Mishti but wants to show Naksh that he won. So, his conflicting shades. But this will all change soon. 

Also, Are you ready for the revelation? Maybe it's here... Maybe it's not :P


Mishti felt a myriad of emotions when she met Naksh's expressionless eyes. First, She felt guilt. Guilt that she had put her happiness ahead of her sorrow. She had wanted to waltz even though she was supposed to be grieving for Nannu. Her second feeling was intense embarrassment. Naksh and half of her friends and acquaintances had seen her in a deep embrace with Abir Rajvansh. Her third feeling was elation. He must have feelings to match her own. Her fourth feeling was anger. How dare Naksh walk in on them like this as if they were naughty, wayward children. Actually, all four feelings washed over her almost simultaneously.

Mishti (haughtily) : Shouldn't you knock on the door first, Naksh?

Naksh stared at Abir's arm, which was protectively held against her bare waist. He did not remove it. Naksh ignored her question.

Abir : I have already asked for Mishti's hand once, Naksh! If you approve, I shall approach you tomorrow again. I'm sure you agree that this is not the place or time to discuss all this.

His voice was cold, his tone clipped. There was almost no trace of his slight American accent. Naksh's face was a mask of icy control.

Naksh : I must say, You certainly managed to outplay me... For now.

Mishti : That's ridiculous. We were just dancing and then we kissed, by mutual consent.

Naksh turned his eyes on her. Had she really said they were just waltzing and kissing?


But before Naksh could say whatever he had been about to say, the door opened again to admit Naira. She looked from one to the other of them with raised eyebrows.

Naira : I expected Abir to be half unconscious and bloody by now, but I'm glad you managed to restrain yourself, Naksh! Congratulations, you two! You've managed to make this party and this night infamous. On the other hand, Mr Rajvansh, Were you really kissing my sister? That is absolutely shocking. Naksh, you are looking as if you had swallowed a whole iceberg. Mishti, you look like Lady Macbeth. I would remind you all that tonight is in honor of Kirti and Deepam and I will not have it become a circus show. I am her bhabhi and you would be wise to listen to me now.

Abir : Right you are, Mrs Goenka! I just informed Naksh that I am ready to marry Mishti and that I shall formally ask again tomorrow.

Naira (nodding) : I'm sure both Naksh and Mishti have lots to say about that decision, but it won't happen tonight.

Mishti : This is all nonsense. It just happened.

Naira : I know, Sweetheart and I agree. It is nonsense. Yet, At the same time, It is deadly serious.

She walked near her sister and grasped her elbow firmly.

Naira : Our society frowns upon this and they are sure to show their ire on you. We are free to choose our lives and not be beholden to society, but we must be ready for seclusion. Even the Singhanias are not spared from gossip and slander. It is time to put a bold face on this newest sensation. We will go back together, Mishti, and take a turn or two about the room, just as if nothing untoward had happened. Use your Singhania face. It is a distinct advantage in situations like this. Smile. Do it.

It had always been difficult not to be swept along by Naira when she was at her most formidable. On this occasion Mishti did not even try. She left the room without even a glance at either of the two men, and smiled.

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