Chapter 10

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The previous night Mishti hadn't slept for a long time. She had volunteered to help the whole night and would have helped more if she could this morning.

However, she was also eager to hurry back to the Dewar House. Captain Rohan Dewar would be there. Perhaps he would have more news of Nannu and of the other officers she knew. At the same time, she dreaded meeting him again. Would he try to hold her to the promises he thought she had made? Or would he be embarrassed by the memories and be as ready to forget as she?

Mr Dewar and Reshmi were at breakfast. The latter got to her feet when she saw Mishti, hugged her tightly, and burst into tears.

Reshmi : Thank God you're back. We don't know anything about the victims yet, but Rohan is being treated. Mumma has been with him ever since he returned.

Mishti (concerned) : How is his leg?

Reshmi : The doctor is saying there is no risk of infection but with the scant supplies, Papa has decided that we'll return immediately to Rajkot and get him treated properly. But Rohan is expected to make a full recovery.

Mishti sighed in relief. Mr Dewar asked the girls to have their breakfast and excused himself.

Reshmi (in a surprised voice) : Mishti! Is that blood on your dress? Why do you have blood on your dress? Where were you?

Mishti told her what had happened since she went to visit Mrs Raichand.

Reshmi (her eyes shining) : You helped the wounded? How brave of you. I'll come with you when you return even though just the thought of so much blood makes me feel squeamish. I have almost completely recovered from my migraine.

Mrs Dewar (coming in to the dining room) : You are going nowhere except to pack, Reshmi. (smiling at Mishti) I'm so glad you're back. I think you will be happy that Rohan is back, safe and sound.

Mishti : I'm glad his wounds aren't serious, Mrs Dewar.

Mrs Dewar : Tomorrow we will leave for Rajkot. You must be glad to see your family again, Mishti.

Mishti (smiling) : Did Nannu come here yesterday?

Mrs Dewar (perplexed) : No beta! I don't think so. By the way, Rohan was asking about you. He is sleeping right now but he asked if you would come see him later.

Mishti's heart sank—he had spoken of her. He would wish to see her. But at least he was safe. What about Nannu? And there were twenty men at Mrs. Raichand's who all needed almost constant tending. Many of their lives hung in the balance. More than anything else at that moment, though, she needed to sleep. She was silently thankful that Captain Rohan had taken medicine and was in no condition to receive a visitor. Later she would have to see him—and later too she would deal with the prospect of going back home and abandoning all the misery here.

She ate a slice of toast and drank a cup of tea, more because she felt she ought than because she was hungry. Reshmi took her arm then and led her up to her room. She kissed Mishti's cheek before leaving.

Reshmi : I do love you. I think it was terribly brave of you to go and help those people. I would love for you to be my sister in truth.

Mishti smiled wanly as she went into her room and closed the door behind her. She sank onto her bed and closed her eyes. But just before she drifted off to sleep, she remembered something.

She had kissed Abir Rajvansh on the cheek last evening. Not because they had been flirting or dallying. Not because he had challenged her or because she had felt challenged. But because he had shown compassion for her and for Mrs Raichand. Because he had been at the borders for hours earlier in the day, trying to make sure that all the wounded had somewhere to go to recover and be comfortable.

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