Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Mishti looked at Abir as he stood near the shore, the water lapping at his feet. He did not notice her.

Abir : If Mishti hadn't been there, I wouldn't have found out the truth. I might never have forgiven Sanjana. I would have been bitter inside forever. When I couldn't forgive anyone, how can I expect her to? But I have to ask her to give me a chance. I need my Mish.

Mishti stayed where she was, behind some bushes, not quite near the cave. She heard the words, but could she trust them? She wondered why she had come. This was so pointless. The entire day had been an agony to her, more so because everyone else seemed so happy by their engagement. How was she expected to break it off?

Yet, She knew she had to break it. She couldn't allow her heart that kind of hurt once more. She would die before that. Then why had she agreed to give Abir this private meeting?

Why had she come all the way just to see him?

She scowled angrily. No, She wasn't angry with him. She was angry with herself. Did she not know him by now? Did she not know that he was pitting the power of his charm against the strength of her will?

Or was he? Had he changed since Srinagar? But would she be a fool simply to forget what he had done to her there—particularly after Nannu? It broke her heart to remember that week of tenderness, when he had seemed her dearest friend and had even managed to make her love him. It had all been deception, all of it. She could not simply forget now.

She walked towards the beach, looking at the moon's rays falling on the waves. It was quite scenic.

Mishti : Do you think this beautiful night is romantic enough to make me believe you? Do you expect this to be another seduction and I'll melt easily?

Abir turned towards her surprised, then chuckled and gave an exaggerated sigh.

Abir : So it's not going to be that easy?

It was the sigh that did it. Could he never take anything seriously? Was he so sure of her? Or did he really not care at all?

Mishti poked him in the chest hard.

Mishti (loudly) : It's not just difficult, It's going to be impossible. Do you understand that, Abir Rajvansh? You are handsome and kind and I know that. You care deeply and I know how charming you are. You made me fall in love with you and that made me dance with you in Naira's house that day and sleeping with you a few days ago. But... I don't know how to trust you again. I know too the cynicism, the hatred, the cold calculation, of which you are capable. I know that I was your victim—right up to that dance—perhaps right up to the present moment. How can I believe you when you say you love me, that you really wish to marry me? How can I believe anything you say to me? How can I ever trust you again? We might as well go back to the house without further drama and get some sleep. I am going away when my family leaves here. I am going to leave you and forget about you.

By this point, furious tears were dripping out of her eyes and Mishti ran to the cave trying to get hold of herself. She steadied herself by holding one of the many natural grooves inside the walls of the cave waiting for Abir to come. She knew the minute he had. He placed his hand on her shoulder as if to comfort her, but then hesitated and removed it.

He stood facing her sideways, his arms crossed over his chest, leaning against the opposite wall.
Abir (softly) : One chance. You promised, Mish. Please let me persuade you not to leave me.

Mishti turned to face him. Even now, she thought, he could be teasing her. How could she break his heart? Could he possibly love her that deeply? She was afraid to believe. She was afraid to hope.

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