Chapter 3

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Mishti leaned forward and inspected the splendour of the army as they showed their military prowess.

Reshmi (whispering) : Oh Mishti! How could you not help but fall in love with each of the men?

Mishti turned to her companion and chuckled.

She sometimes found her friend just a little silly in her enthusiasms, but really she had a point on this occasion. Mishti would not have missed the outing for anything in the world. On the other hand, when she had tried a short while ago to draw Mr Dewar into a discussion on whether the necessity for military discipline ought to outweigh the human right to individuality, but he hadn't even responded and just gave her a grunt.

Reshmi (still whispering) : Just look at the men on the horses. How do horses survive in such temperatures anyways? I'm freezing.

Mishti nodded her agreement. As much as she found Captain Rohan Dewar annoying, He certainly did look splendid in his complete dress.

Nishant : Hello, My lovely ladies. May I join you?

Reshmi (smiling at Mishti's elder brother) : Hello Mr Singhania! It's so nice to see you.

Mishti (drily) : Yes, Elder brother! Please do join us as we talk about our boy crushes.

Nannu (pulling Mishti's ear as he took a seat next to theirs) : You're too cheeky for your own good, Mishti! Anyways, Call me Nishant, Miss Dewar! I've told you that before.

Reshmi : I will, Nishant, Only if you call me Reshmi.

He smiled at that.

Mishti : So, How is volunteering at the embassy working for you?

Nishant (turning serious) : I like it. It's great. It's starting to become serious now.

Mishti (her ears perking up) : What do you mean?

Nishant : I don't know. There seems to be some unrest. Though we thought we could stay here for some time, I think that soon it'll be too dangerous to stay here. (looking at Mishti sternly) If it becomes dangerous, You will go home, Mishti. Naksh will have my head if you don't.

Mishti : But.. But, When will it happen? What is going on?

Nishant : The political situation is very uneasy right now, Mishti. I can't tell anymore about it now.

Mishti was interested. She focused her entire attention on her brother meaning to ask more about the political situation. Finally, an interesting conversation but someone called his name and he excused himself to go talk to the person.

Captain Rohan Dewar walked up and sat next to them.

Rohan : Hello Mishti, Reshmi! Did you notice me?

Mishti (smiling) : Yes we did. We noticed ALL of you.

Rohan : How did I look? Splendid, right?

Reshmi : Ofcourse bhai! It was a wonderful spectacle.

Rohan (pompously) : Seriously, I don't know why they bother fighting us. We can beat them anytime. Our army and airforce can crush anyone's.

Mishti wanted to snort and crush this man's ego. But then Mrs Dewar joined them.

Mrs Dewar : Ofcourse Rohan beta! You are absolutely right. The army is really lucky that they have you. Don't you agree, Mishti beta? Our army looks splendid. We are really lucky to have them fighting for our country.

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