Chapter 18

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Abir looked out the window to see the guests in the garden and thought about his company branches in Rajkot, Delhi and Bangalore. He would take a greater interest in the branches, He decided. Abir had meticulously led the branches in US to great success, but had left the Indian counterparts in charge of capable men.

All that would change now, He thought. He would be the frontrunner for all the branches and for Rajvansh Group of Companies. The gentlemen he had reacquainted himself with were no more young themselves and thought him lucky to have escaped their 'so called' dreary lives. He had described himself as being too old to his mother the morning he met Mishti in the park. He was also bored and had been idle for five long years. Nevertheless, he felt years older in experience than those companions, who no longer felt quite like friends.

Even though he disliked the notion, He knew he would have to earn back his image and his peers' respect again.

He deeply resented the fact that it had to be earned, that he had been robbed of both his good name and five years of his life, but he would only rob himself of more time if he allowed himself to wallow in bitterness.

Naksh Raj Singhania was his Achilles' heel, though. He could not seem to talk himself out of his deep desire to harm the man.

Sighing, Abir walked out of the room to join the ladies in the garden. His mother had cautioned him that he should be seen talking amicably to Mishti under the gaze of both their families.

The garden seemed to be full of fashionably dressed ladies—it really was quite daunting to walk in upon them as the only male. His mother sat on a small chaise close to the refreshment table, Mishti Raj Singhania beside her, looking astonishingly youthful and lovely in white. Abir greeted both of them, kissed his mother's cheek, asked Mishti how she did, and turned away to make himself agreeable to the other guests.

Although there was no noticeable pause in any of the conversations, Abir guessed that every eye had watched his approach to Mishti and every ear had strained to catch every word they exchanged.

An account of this afternoon's visit would doubtless enliven conversations at dinner tables and drawing rooms this evening.

Would the scandal now be at an end?

Or would everyone be waiting for a betrothal announcement to be made before either party to the scandal could be accepted back fully into the fold?

Abir found that he rather liked Naira Goenka, even though she still seemed slightly hostile. She was petite but her forthright manner made her formidable, not to mention her husband's name and their sterling reputation in Rajkot. She spoke plainly to Abir and he knew she was testing him. Kuhu Raj Singhania had also shown up. The plans of going back home had been postponed for some time.

She was gracious and amiable and pretty and treated Abir kindly. Naira's sister-in-law Kirti was a sensible, pretty young lady.

The Singhanias were the last to leave.

Parul : Abir beta! Naira has invited us all to Goenka House three days hence.

Abir looked in some surprise at Naira Goenka. He had not expected that after this afternoon, any of the Singhanias would encourage further encounters between himself and Mishti.

Naira : Kirti's engagement ceremony is to take place that day. She's to marry Deepam Ahuja next month. Though both were willing to postpone the function because of Nannu.... Naksh and Kartik both felt it would be unfair to the couple. So we decided to go ahead with the celebrations.

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