Angst and Ships

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hi there

sooo im really sick of getting comments on this story about 2 things, mainly

1. Ships
It's Izuocha. Read the tags. Christ almighty.
I don't need Bakudeku shippers and whatnot being like "eW GET AWAY!" - especially because that provokes izuocha shippers and suddenly there's an argument! I have other books that have other ships, and even if you'd rather read this one, keep the "eW" to yourself please??
(Side note about ships, please stop making lewd comments about them - they're kids for christ sakes)

^ im coming back in literally 2022 because people are totally missing the point of this

by 'Bakudeku shippers and whatnot,' I really DO mean the whatnot. izuocha shippers, tododeku shippers, togadeku shippers, etc. are all causing problems. i said bakudeku specifically because it was the most popular. goddang.

like, all im saying is respect ships. don't be like "ewwww" because it's straight, and don't say something like "finally, something that's not gay!!" or whatever.

i am not 'grouping all bakudeku shippers together' or calling izuocha shippers 'correct.' izuocha isn't even my favorite ship. please, for both of our sakes, take the time to comprehend something before commenting about it.

2. Angst
This story is angsty
It is so incredibly angsty
And I'm heckign warning you that it's angsty
The tags, description, authors notes, and even the goddang cover point towards angst!
There'll be fluff.
There'll be a good ending.
So please, for crying out loud, stop commenting trash like "tHIS IS TOO ANGSTY" or "IM NOT READING THIS ANYMORE - ITS TOO DEPRESSING"
It's labelled as angst, don't act like it was false advertising. Additionally, at least have the decency to keep those thoughts to yourself.
Not only are these types of comments annoying, but they make me feel really bad about my story and that's just messed up. Would you like me criticizing everything you did while you were doing something you enjoyed?

So yeah. Ships and angst. Read tags. Keep your rude opinions to yourself :)

Thank you!!!!

Sorry if I sounded like a jerk but I'm sick of it yaaaaay

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