Part 1 // The Letter

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"LEXIE!" I hear my sister yell. "THERES SOME STUPID LETTER FOR YOU!"

Me and my sister have a complicated relationship. We used to get along, but now she's starting college soon and doesn't like me very much anymore.

"Coming!" I yell. I run down the stairs. I don't get mail often.

My sister, Paige, leaves the room. I look at the letter. Hogwarts School Of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Witchcraft and Wizardry? Why would this be sent to me?

"Dear Miss Alexis Hart. We are pleased to inform you that you have been late accepted into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." It read. "Please join us for Year 5 of Hogwarts." sounds a lot better than the stupid private school I go to.

"Mum! Dad! Come here please!" I call upstairs to their offices.

My parents come downstairs.

"What is it darling?" My mum asks.

"Look at this." I hand the letter to her.

My dad reads over her shoulder.

"Hogwarts?" He asks.

"Yes. May I please go? Term is starting in a month!" I beg. I don't even know what it is, but I really want to go.

"We have to talk it over together. Robert, come into my office and we'll talk about it." Mum says to Dad.

After about thirty minutes of me pacing back and forth, they come downstairs again.

"You can go!" Mum says half excitedly, masking her sadness.

I jump up and down and squeal, even though I am not really sure if it'll be good for me or not. "Thank you Mum! Thank you Dad!!!" I hug them.

A week later me and Mum go to this place called Diagon Alley.

We bought robes and books for my classes. I bought my other equipment, and then we headed to the broom shop.

I picked out one that looked very nice, I think it was called a Firebolt?

"Mum, it said I could get an owl, toad or cat. May I please get one?"

"I think they may provide owls there, toads are useless, so you can get a cat."

"Thank you!" If you couldn't tell, my parents work a lot. My dad is a lawyer, and my mum is a real estate agent. So we have a lot of money to spend on these things.

We go to the pet shop, and I pick out a little ginger and white tabby cat.

"Aww, she's so cute!" I hug her as we checkout.

"What are you going to name her?" Mum asks.

"Hmm. How about...Clementine, Clem for short." I exclaim, once I know that this is the perfect name for my new little kitty.


We go to the wand shop, Ollivander's, and I try out some different wands. I end up getting paired with a beautiful rosewood wand.

"I think that's everything, let's go." Mum rushes me.


I can't wait for Hogwarts.

Authors note: I'm gonna be writing two chapters, edit them and then publish them at the same time so you guys can read a lot!

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We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now