Part 10 // The Date

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Lexie's POV:
"So. You and Malfoy." Hermione still can't get over it.

"Yes. We talked about it."

"You know Malfoy isn't known for the best things..."

"I know Hermione! But he likes me and he is nice to me."

"Be careful though. He..." Harry says.

"I know!" I snap.

"S-sorry." He apologizes.

Ron and Hermione go upstairs, and Harry kisses Ginny and then goes upstairs.

"I think you and Malfoy are nice together. Those guys are just jealous because Malfoy is nice to you." Ginny tells me.

"Maybe. And thanks." I hug her and we go upstairs.

I fall asleep easily, like I do every night.


Time Skip: Next Week
"Hey Lex." Draco kisses me as we walk to the Great Hall.

"Hi Draco."

"Do you want to go on a date tonight?" He asks, grabbing my hand.

This will be our first date. "Yes. Where?" I ask.

"I'll be outside your common room at 11pm."

"Okay. Um, what should I wear?"

"Wear a dress. Doesn't have to be too fancy though."


We end up at the Great Hall and I find my friends already sitting at our table.

"See you later." I tell him.

"See you."

(A/N) Sorry their interaction was so casual, but their date will be amazing trust me.

"So, how's it going with Malfoy." Ginny asks.

"Great. We are going on a date tonight!"

"Ooh, what are you doing? Where?" She asks excitedly.

"Not sure where we are going, but he said to wear a dress. But not too fancy." I add.

"Can I help you get ready?" She exclaims.


She starts going on about the dress she has in mind.


Classes seem to last forever, but also short.

"Are you even paying attention?" Hermione whispers to me in Charms.

"Yes." I lie.

Professor Flitwick goes on about some charm but I am looking out the window, daydreaming about Draco.


At dinner, I eat slowly.

Hermione hits Ron on the arm for eating to fast.

"You are going to choke, Ronald!"

He rolls his eyes but eats slower.


After dinner, we head back to the common room and Ginny pulls me up to the girls dormitory with Hermione.

"So, I was thinking..." She rummages through her closet.

"This!" She pulls out a nice black dresss.

"This!" She pulls out a nice black dresss

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