Part 9 // Yes, No, Maybe So.

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It's November. They announce the ball during dinner.

"We are pleased to announce there will be a ball on the 31st of November." A murmur arises from the room, even though everyone knew this was happening.


"Hey Gin, wanna go to the ball with me?" Harry asks casually.

"Yes, of course Harry!" And they kiss.

"Hey Mione, do you wanna go with me?" Ron asks, trying to copy Harry's way.

"Not if you ask like that!" She slaps him on the arm.

"Fine. I'll ask some better way later. Anyways, who are you going to take Lex?"

"I'm not sure. I don't think anyone would want to go with me..."

"Oh, you'll find someone!" Ginny says with a smirk.

"I hope." I yawn. "I'm going to bed."

Hermione goes upstairs with Ron, and Harry goes too.

"You coming?" I ask Ginny.

"Oh, erm, I'm not tired yet."

"Okay. Night!" I call as I head up the stairs.


Ginny POV:

I go out of the portrait hole and head to the Room of Requirement.

I see a door is there, so I go in.

I find Malfoy there.

"Hey Malfoy." I call to him.

"Weasley? What- Why are you here?" He asks.

"I want you to ask Lexie to the ball."

"Me, ask Hart to the ball? I'm going with Pansy."

"I know you smelled Lexie in you amortentia. She smelled you."

"What- She smelled me?" He stutters.


"Erm, does she like me?"

"Yes. Definitely."

"How-How should I ask her?"

"Be nice about it, and do it in front of everyone so she can't say no. I'll hold Harry and Ron back. Oh, Hermione as well."

"Okay. I'll do it tomorrow!"

"Make it special!" I call as I walk back to the common room.

A Slytherin, let alone Malfoy, asking a Gryffindor, muggle, to a be his date.

Draco's POV:

I can't believe I just let Weasley convince me to ask out a Gryffindor Mudblood. Pansy will be so angry.


The next morning I pull on my robes and head downstairs with Pansy and Blaise.

"So, will you go to the ball with me?" Pansy asks, her hand on my arm.

"Shush Pansy." I shake her off, not focused on her.

"I'll take that as a yes! Okay, you wear a black suit, and I'll wear...Hey!" She calls as I get up and walk over to the Gryffindor table.

"Draco..." Hart says as she glances nervously behind her at her friends.

"What do you want Malfoy?" Granger pulls out her wand, pointing it at me.

"Stay away from us, Malfoy." Harry tells me.

"I'm not here for you guys, I'm here for Hart." I look at her.

We're Just Friends, Mudblood. // DRACO MALFOY LOVE STORY, HOGWARTSWhere stories live. Discover now